Talking Green in Hungary : Lessons on Communicating Environmental Policies

Bíró-Nagy, András and Hunyadi, Réka and Juhász, Vanessza and Szászi, Áron (2023) Talking Green in Hungary : Lessons on Communicating Environmental Policies. Foundation for European Progressive Studies, Brüsszel. ISBN 978-2-931233-11-5


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We start our study with a comprehensive public policy analysis that explores the key challenges and policy proposals to our four environmental and climate change topics. The proposals have been developed together with civil society professionals from Clean Air Action Group, Greenpeace Hungary and Humusz Waste Prevention Alliance. The public policy proposals of the study were used to develop the communication messages, which were tested in six focus groups in five cities in October 2022. Following an outline of the research methodology, the thematic results of the qualitative research are presented in the fourth chapter of this publication. In the fifth section, we provide a general evaluation of the four possible communication strategies (quality of life, economic benefits, harm, anti-elitism) that we have examined. The concluding section summarises the findings and makes recommendations for future green messaging.

Item Type: Book
Subjects: J Political Science / politológia > JN Political institutions (Europe) / politikai intézmények, államigazgatás, Európa > JN18 Hungary / Magyarország
Depositing User: Bíró-Nagy András
Date Deposited: 02 Jan 2024 07:13
Last Modified: 02 Jan 2024 07:13

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