Study protocol of the Hungarian Longitudinal Study of Healthy Brain Aging (HuBA)

Bankó, Éva M. and Weiss, Béla and Hevesi, István and Manga, Annamária and Vakli, Pál and Havadi-Nagy, Menta and Kelemen, Rebeka and Somogyi, Eszter and Homolya, István and Bihari, Adél and Simon, Ádám and Nárai, Ádám and Tóth, Krisztina and Báthori, Noémi and Tomacsek, Vivien and Horváth, András Attila and Kamondi, Anita and Racsmány, Mihály and Dénes, Ádám and Simor, Péter and Kovács, Tibor and Hermann, Petra and Vidnyánszky, Zoltán (2024) Study protocol of the Hungarian Longitudinal Study of Healthy Brain Aging (HuBA). IDEGGYOGYASZATI SZEMLE / CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE, 77 (1-2). pp. 51-59. ISSN 0019-1442


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Neuro­cog­nitive aging and the associated brain diseases impose a major social and economic burden. Therefore, substantial efforts have been put into revealing the lifestyle, the neurobiological and the genetic underpinnings of healthy neurocognitive aging. However, these studies take place almost exclusively in a limited number of highly-developed countries. Thus, it is an important open question to what extent their findings may generalize to neurocognitive aging in other, not yet investigated regions. The purpose of the Hungarian Longitudinal Study of Healthy Brain Aging (HuBA) is to collect multi-modal longitudinal data on healthy neurocognitive aging to address the data gap in this field in Central and Eastern Europe..We adapted the Australian Ima­ging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study of aging study protocol to local circumstances and collected demographic, lifestyle, men­tal and physical health, medication and medical history related information as well as re­cor­ded a series of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. In addition, participants were al­so offered to participate in the collection of blood samples to assess circulating in­flam­matory biomarkers as well as a sleep study aimed at evaluating the general sleep quality based on multi-day collection of subjective sleep questionnaires and whole-night elec­troencephalographic (EEG) data..Baseline data collection has al­ready been accomplished for more than a hundred participants and data collection in the se­condsession is on the way. The collected data might reveal specific local trends or could also indicate the generalizability of previous findings. Moreover, as the HuBA protocol al­so offers a sleep study designed for tho­rough characterization of participants’ sleep quality and related factors, our extended multi-modal dataset might provide a base for incorporating these measures into healthy and clinical aging research. .Besides its straightforward na­tional benefits in terms of health ex­pen­di­ture, we hope that this Hungarian initiative could provide results valid for the whole Cent­ral and Eastern European region and could also promote aging and Alzheimer’s disease research in these countries..

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: sleep; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); neurocognitive aging; neuro­in­flam­mation
Subjects: R Medicine / orvostudomány > RC Internal medicine / belgyógyászat > RC0321 Neuroscience. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry / idegkórtan, neurológia, pszichiátria
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 12 Feb 2024 11:34
Last Modified: 30 Jan 2025 00:15

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