„A tokaji bor csodálatos hatása” : Barthold Heinrich Brockes (1680–1747) pásztori panegirisze

Kühlmann, Wilhelm (2023) „A tokaji bor csodálatos hatása” : Barthold Heinrich Brockes (1680–1747) pásztori panegirisze. IRODALOMTÖRTÉNETI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 127 (6). pp. 671-696. ISSN 0021-1486

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The lawyer and poet from Hamburg Barthold Heinrich B rockes pub- lished his poem on Tokay wine in 1732 in the fourth volume of his nine-volume collection of poems, Irdisches Vergnügen in Gott (Earthly Delight in God). The poem was written at the request of Prince Günther, who ruled Thuringia at that time. It was a classicist eclogue in which he inserted a hymn in praise of Tokay wine. It is divided into four major sections, which are described in detail in the study. The fictional setting of the poem is the meeting of two shepherds, Beraldo (B rockes himself) and Durander (Christian Friedrich Weichmann , the poet and publisher). Durander gives his companion a message from the prince, who sends Beraldo a barrel of Tokay and asks him to write a poem about the effects of the wine. The two shepherds taste the special wine, and converse about the taste. The 98-line final section is then a poem of praise itself, sung by Beraldo about the incomparable taste and effect of Tokay. The analysis reveals the mo- tif set and the literary permeations of the period.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Barthold Heinrich B rockes, Tokay wine, ecloque, panegyrics, hymn, literary relations
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PN Literature (General) / irodalom általában > PN0441 Literary History / irodalomtörténet
Depositing User: Beáta Bavalicsné Kerekes
Date Deposited: 13 Feb 2024 11:54
Last Modified: 13 Feb 2024 11:54

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