Plasma melatonin concentration during the early post-partum period in Thoroughbred mares and their foals

Gáspárdy, András and Gallagher, G. and Bartha, B. and Cseh, Sándor and Fekete, Sándor György and Somoskői, Bence (2023) Plasma melatonin concentration during the early post-partum period in Thoroughbred mares and their foals. ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA, 71 (2). pp. 119-127. ISSN 0236-6290

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The authors aimed to determine the plasma melatonin concentration in mares and their new-born foals in the early post-partum period. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein of 53 mare-foal pairs within twelve hours after parturition. Plasma melatonin levels were measured by ELISA. The melatonin concentration, adjusted for the moment of parturition using a generalised linear model, was 34.58 pg mL-1 in mares. It was significantly lower (27.63 pg mL-1) in the new-born foals. However, the melatonin concentration declined differently by the end of the twelve hours, it decreased less in the offspring than in the mothers. An artificial light supplementation at the end of gestation reduced the melatonin concentration both in mares and their foals by about 10 pg mL-1, compared to the controls. An elevated melatonin production may be related to preparation of mares for parturition and ensures the chances of survival of offspring, therefore the melatonin may reach its peak at the moment of foaling regardless of its actual time. The effect of low melatonin concentration in new-born foals might be associated with the foal's health and subsequent performance. The need to monitor the melatonin concentration in the offspring justifies further studies. © 2023 The Author(s).

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Institute for Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science, University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, István street 2, Budapest, 1078, Hungary Department of Obstetrics and Food Animal Medicine Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, István street 2, Budapest, 1078, Hungary Village Vets Stillorgan, Glenalybn Road, Stillorgan, Dublin, A94 YW54, Ireland Profivet Veterinary Surgery Center and Clinic, Berzsenyi Dániel street 2, God, 2131, Hungary Export Date: 29 September 2023; Cited By: 0; Correspondence Address: A. Gáspárdy; Institute for Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science, University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Budapest, István street 2, 1078, Hungary; email:
Uncontrolled Keywords: circadian rhythm; horse; Foal; supplemental lighting; Post-partum period; plasma melatonin concentration;
Subjects: S Agriculture / mezőgazdaság > SV Veterinary science / állatorvostudomány
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 23 Feb 2024 07:52
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2024 07:52

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