Measurement of the muon charge asymmetry in inclusive pp → W + X production at √s = 7 TeV and an improved determination of light parton distribution functions

Chatrchyan, S. and Khachatryan, V. and Sirunyan, A. M. and Tumasyan, A. and Adam, W. and Bergauer, T. and Dragicevic, M. and Erö, J. and Fabjan, C. and Friedl, M. and Frühwirth, R. and Ghete, V. M. and Hartl, C. and Hörmann, N. and Hrubec, J. and Jeitler, M. and Kiesenhofer, W. and Knünz, V. and Krammer, M. and Krätschmer, I. and Liko, D. and Mikulec, I. and Rabady, D. and Rahbaran, B. and Rohringer, H. and Schöfbeck, R. and Strauss, J. and Taurok, A. and Treberer-Treberspurg, W. and Waltenberger, W. and Bencze, György and Hajdu, Csaba and Hidas, Pál and Horváth, Dezső and Siklér, Ferenc and Veszprémi, Viktor and Vesztergombi, György and Zsigmond, Anna Júlia and Béni, Noémi Tekla and Molnár, József and Pálinkás, József and Szillási, Zoltán and Karancsi, János and Raics, Péter and Trócsányi, Zoltán and Ujvári, Balázs and Veres, Gábor (2014) Measurement of the muon charge asymmetry in inclusive pp → W + X production at √s = 7 TeV and an improved determination of light parton distribution functions. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 90 (3). ISSN 2470-0010


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Measurements of the muon charge asymmetry in inclusive pp → W + X production at √ s = 7 TeV are presented. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb−1 recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC. With a sample of more than 20 million W → µν events, the statistical precision is greatly improved in comparison to previous measurements. These new results provide additional constraints on the parton distribution functions of the proton in the range of the Bjorken scaling variable x from 10−3 to 10−1 . These measurements and the recent CMS measurement of associated W + charm production are used together with the cross sections for inclusive deep inelastic e±p scattering at HERA in a next-to-leading-order QCD analysis. The determination of the valence quark distributions is improved, and the strange-quark distribution is probed directly through the leading-order process g+s → W+c in proton-proton collisions at the LHC.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2024 13:33
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2024 13:33

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