Search for supersymmetry with razor variables in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV

Chatrchyan, S. and Khachatryan, V. and Sirunyan, A. M. and Tumasyan, A. and Adam, W. and Bergauer, T. and Dragicevic, M. and Erö, J. and Fabjan, C. and Friedl, M. and Frühwirth, R. and Ghete, V. M. and Hartl, C. and Hörmann, N. and Hrubec, J. and Jeitler, M. and Kiesenhofer, W. and Knünz, V. and Krammer, M. and Krätschmer, I. and Liko, D. and Mikulec, I. and Rabady, D. and Rahbaran, B. and Rohringer, H. and Schöfbeck, R. and Strauss, J. and Taurok, A. and Treberer-Treberspurg, W. and Waltenberger, W. and Filipovic, Nicolas and Bencze, György and Hajdu, Csaba and Hidas, Pál and Horváth, Dezső and Siklér, Ferenc and Veszprémi, Viktor and Vesztergombi, György and Zsigmond, Anna Júlia and Béni, Noémi Tekla and Karancsi, János and Molnár, József and Pálinkás, József and Szillási, Zoltán and Raics, Péter and Trócsányi, Zoltán and Ujvári, Balázs and Veres, Gábor (2014) Search for supersymmetry with razor variables in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 90 (11). ISSN 2470-0010

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The razor approach to search for R-parity conserving supersymmetric particles is de- scribed in detail. Two analyses are considered: an inclusive search for new heavy particle pairs decaying to final states with at least two jets and missing transverse en- ergy, and a dedicated search for final states with at least one jet originating from a bot- tom quark. For both the inclusive study and the study requiring a bottom-quark jet, the data are examined in exclusive final states corresponding to all-hadronic, single- lepton, and dilepton events. The study is based on the data set of proton-proton colli- sions at √s = 7 TeV collected with the CMS detector at the LHC in 2011, correspond- ing to an integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb−1. The study consists of a shape analysis per- formed in the plane of two kinematic variables, denoted MR and R2, that correspond to the mass and transverse energy flow, respectively, of pair-produced, heavy, new- physics particles. The data are found to be compatible with the background model, defined by studying event simulations and data control samples. Exclusion limits for squark and gluino production are derived in the context of the constrained mini- mal supersymmetric standard model (CMSSM) and also for simplified-model spectra (SMS). Within the CMSSM parameter space considered, squark and gluino masses up to 1350 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence level, depending on the model parame- ters. For SMS scenarios, the direct production of pairs of top or bottom squarks is excluded for masses as high as 400 GeV.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 07 Mar 2024 14:22
Last Modified: 07 Mar 2024 14:22

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