Sports ethics issues among young adults participating in competitive sports = Испитивање спортске етике код младих одраслих спортистакоји учествују у такмичарским спортовима = Sportetikai kérdések vizsgálata versenyszerűen sportoló fiatal felnőttek körében

Barcsi, Tamás and Filó, Csilla (2023) Sports ethics issues among young adults participating in competitive sports = Испитивање спортске етике код младих одраслих спортистакоји учествују у такмичарским спортовима = Sportetikai kérdések vizsgálata versenyszerűen sportoló fiatal felnőttek körében. TANULMÁNYOK (NOVI SAD), 2. pp. 77-93. ISSN 0354-9690

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Our research’s essential goal was to clarify the most relevant association between sports and ethics from a theoretical aspect. In our questionnaire, we sought to know how basic moral concepts impact amateur competitive athletes and those involved in professional sports. Additionally, we pursued the moral principles athletes consider important, and if they disregard these principles once victory is within their grasp. Lastly, we examined how often athletes confront the most serious moral (and legal) levels of abuse. Material and methodology: The acquisition of data regarding our cross-sectional research was conducted using a self-compiled questionnaire. The anonymous questionnaire was 77Tamás Barcsi – Csilla Filó: Sports ethics issues among young adults... completed by 123 amateur and professional athletes ranging from 18 to 25 years of age. The data processing was performed using a double sample t-test, Levene’s test, variant analysis and the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: Within our research it was proven female and male respondents vary in their interpretation of success and a significant portion of questionnaire respondents rejected the use of performance enhancing drugs. In reference to the interpretation of moral principles, we found differences among those involved in individual sports and team sports. Furthermore, it was proven that members of the technical staff most frequently commit physical abuse against athletes. Conclusions: The success orientation regarding individual athletes is presumably influenced by the absence of the personality-forming effects of team cohesion. Presumably, amateur athletes adhere far better to the Code of Sports Ethics (revised Recommendation no. Rec [92] 14) than when compared with their professional colleagues. Simultaneously, athletes from both categories deem the official recognition of Fair Play important and integral regarding competitive sports. Implementing levels of physical violence has a serious effect upon athletes, since the methodology and moral norms of a given team’s management and staff is highly important. Differences regarding the concept of success among male and female athletes also reflect the differences between the reactions to moral challenges. The spread of doping as witnessed in non-professional sport may lead to the conclusion in which amateurs do not condemn the use of these substances more than their professional colleagues.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: doping, moral, sports, success, violence
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion / filozófia, pszichológia, vallás > BJ Ethics / erkölcstan
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation / földrajz, antropológia, kikapcsolódás > GV Recreation Leisure / szabadidő, szórakozás > GV557-GV558 Sport and fitness sciences / Sport és fitnessztudományok
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 14 Mar 2024 08:55
Last Modified: 14 Mar 2024 08:55

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