The Pesth-Ofner Localblatt und Landbote as Source of Music History : Guest Performers in Context of Pest-Buda, 1857

Békéssy, Lili Veronika (2023) The Pesth-Ofner Localblatt und Landbote as Source of Music History : Guest Performers in Context of Pest-Buda, 1857. Musicologica Olomucensia, 35 (2). pp. 52-78. ISSN 2787-9186


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The present paper examines the operation of the guest performers through the reception of the 1857 issues of the Pesth-Ofner Localblatt und Landbote, a daily newspaper of fundamental importance for local music history that has not yet been studied. Th e newspaper highlights gaps, forgotten yet important details and faded trends in Hungarian music history. With the day by day analysis of the newspaper, the research gradually moved towards an examination of the practices of everyday life,1 and elaborated the structure of musical life in Pest-Buda in the mid-19th century from a variety of perspectives. Th e paper off ers an example of regional research applying microhistory and Alltagsgeschichte as an alternative to national historiography, and as a kind of counter-pole, mainly emphasises the local and regional perspective.2 After presenting the circumstances of Pest-Buda and an insight into the period’s press material, the paper details the Pesth-Ofner Localblatt und Landbote as a source, providing two examples as well as the structures of concert critics.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: M Music and Books on Music / zene, szövegkönyvek, kották > M1 Music / zene
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 14 Mar 2024 10:51
Last Modified: 14 Mar 2024 10:51

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