A brooch with a name stamp from Győr-Ménfőcsanak-Széles-földek (Pannonia, Hungary)

Sáró, Csilla (2024) A brooch with a name stamp from Győr-Ménfőcsanak-Széles-földek (Pannonia, Hungary). DISSERTATIONES ARCHAEOLOGICAE, Ser. 3 (11). pp. 233-253. ISSN 2064-4574

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Name stamps occasionally appear on early Roman Period bow brooches, such as Aucissa brooches, Nertomarus brooches, brooches with side knobs (Scharnierflügelfibeln), and rosette brooches (Kragenfibeln, Distelfibeln, Flache Distelfibeln). Aucissa brooches are known from the territory of the whole Roman Empire and were produced in multiple workshops, while the other types were typical of the western parts, having been manufactured primarily in the western provinces. According to current research, the 55 bow brooches from Győr-Ménfőcsanak-Széles-földek belong to different western types. The only stamped brooch is a fragmentary Nertomarus brooch with an abbreviated NERTOMARVS stamp (NORV). This brooch could reach Pannonia from the place of production in different ways. One option is that the brooch travelled with its owner, a military person, or someone who accompanied the troops.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: C Auxiliary Sciences of History / történeti segédtudományok > CC Archaeology / régészet
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 05 Apr 2024 06:11
Last Modified: 05 Apr 2024 06:11

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