Detail study of the medium created in Au+Au collisions with high pT probes by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC

Sakaguchi, T. and Adare, A. and Afanasiev, S. and Aidala, C. and Ajitanand, N. N. and Akiba, Y. and Akimoto, R. and Al-Bataineh, H. and Al-Ta'ani, H. and Alexander, J. and Alfred, M. and Andrews, K. R. and Angerami, A. and Aoki, K. and Apadula, N. and Aphecetche, L. and Appelt, E. and Aramaki, Y. and Armendariz, R. and Aronson, S. H. and Asai, J. and Asano, H. and Aschenauer, E. C. and Atomssa, E. T. and Averbeck, R. and Awes, T. C. and Azmoun, B. and Babintsev, V. and Bai, M. and Bai, X. and Csanád, Máté and Csörgő, Tamás and Imrek, József and Varga-Kőfaragó, Mónika and Nagy, Márton and Novák, Tamás and Ster, András and Sziklai, János István and Tarján, Péter and Vargyas, Márton and Vértesi, Róbert and Zimányi, József (2014) Detail study of the medium created in Au+Au collisions with high pT probes by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 932. pp. 164-168. ISSN 0375-9474

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Recent results on high pT identified hadrons in Au+Au collisions from the PHENIX experiment are presented. The RAA for π0 and η are found to be very consistent. The second and fourth order collective flow of π0’s have been measured and found that v4/v2 2 is consistent with the one observed in lower pT region. Assuming the suppression of the π0 yield at highest pT arises from energy loss of partons, we found that the energy loss is L3 dependent, where L is the path length of the partons in the medium. The δpT /pT ’s of high pT hadrons are computed from 39 GeV Au+Au over to 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb, and found that they vary by a factor of six. We have seen a smooth trend in δpT /pT from RHIC energy to LHC energy when plotting against charged multiplicity of the systems.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 08 Apr 2024 14:12
Last Modified: 08 Apr 2024 14:12

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