Double-spin asymmetry of electrons from heavy-flavor decays in p+p collisions at √s=200 GeV

Adare, A. and Afanasiev, S. and Aidala, C. and Ajitanand, N. N. and Akiba, Y. and Akimoto, R. and Al-Ta'Ani, H. and Alexander, J. and Andrews, K. R. and Angerami, A. and Aoki, K. and Apadula, N. and Appelt, E. and Aramaki, Y. and Armendariz, R. and Aschenauer, E. C. and Awes, T. C. and Azmoun, B. and Babintsev, V. and Bai, M. and Bannier, B. and Barish, K. N. and Bassalleck, B. and Basye, A. T. and Bathe, S. and Baublis, V. and Baumann, C. and Bazilevsky, A. and Belmont, R. and Ben-Benjamin, J. and Csanád, Máté and Csörgő, Tamás and Dávid, Gábor and Kiss, Ádám and Nagy, Márton and Sziklai, János István and Vértesi, Róbert (2013) Double-spin asymmetry of electrons from heavy-flavor decays in p+p collisions at √s=200 GeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 87 (1). ISSN 2470-0010

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We report on the first measurement of double-spin asymmetry, ALL, of electrons from the decays of hadrons containing heavy flavor in longitudinally polarized p+p collisions at √s = 200 GeV for pT = 0.5 to 3.0 GeV/c. The asymmetry was measured at midrapidity (|η| < 0.35) with the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The measured asymmetries are consistent with zero within the statistical errors. We obtained a constraint for the polarized gluon distribution in the proton of |∆g/g(log10 x = −1.6+0.5 −0.4, μ = mc T )|2 < 0.033 (1σ) based on a leading-order perturbative- quantum-chromodynamics model, using the measured asymmetry.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 29 Apr 2024 14:35
Last Modified: 29 Apr 2024 14:35

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