Bemer Therapy as Help in the Training of Law Enforcement Professionals

Nagy, Ádám Ferenc (2023) Bemer Therapy as Help in the Training of Law Enforcement Professionals. In: I. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium : Conference Proceedings. Hungarian Association of Police Science, Budapest, pp. 110-118. ISBN 978-615-6456-14-4


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The quality of performance of public and professional services determines the stability and operational efficiency of a country. Workloads and the related expectations and tasks are putting increasing pressure on employees. At the same time, maintaining and preserving the health of regular members of the law enforcement bodies (war, migration, etc.) is crucial for the effective performance of their duties. Physical training is an important part of the education of law enforcement personnel, which includes, in addition to practical training, knowledge about exercise theory and healthy lifestyles. Another objective is to use effective technical equipment in the training. The aim of this research is to present the BEMER and its potential application in the physical training and rehabilitation of law enforcement professionals. The effectiveness of the BEMER physical vascular therapy device has been proven by clinical research. BEMER is a medical device used especially in medicine (improving microcirculation, reducing pain, treating hypertension and fractures) and in sport (warming up, preventing injuries and treating injuries, and enhancing performance). In my research I will rely on the research methodology of the literature that is relevant to the topic of physical training for law enforcement professionals. Rehabilitation devices used in medicine are gaining ground in public use. They are used for therapeutic, preventive or performance-enhancing purposes under the guidance of appropriate professionals. I believe that there is a need for rehabilitation tools, including BEMER, in the training of law enforcement professionals. In my opinion, BEMER helps to improve the physical performance of law enforcement personnel. It is also suitable for post-injury rehabilitation. The acquisition and use of additional smart devices (smart watches, body composition analyser, chest strap recording physiological data, etc.) could open up new horizons in the field of physical training for law enforcement professionals.

Item Type: Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords: law enforcement, physical training, physical vascular therapy
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare / szociálpatológia, segélyezés > HV7551 Police / rendőrség
R Medicine / orvostudomány > RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology / terápia, gyógyszertan
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 07 May 2024 12:40
Last Modified: 07 May 2024 12:40

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