EU Common Security and Defense Policy Civilian/Law Enforcement Mission’s Activity in the Middle-East

Németh, Gábor (2023) EU Common Security and Defense Policy Civilian/Law Enforcement Mission’s Activity in the Middle-East. In: I. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium : Conference Proceedings. Hungarian Association of Police Science, Budapest, pp. 127-136. ISBN 978-615-6456-14-4


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In our today's global world, the concept of security has been re-evaluated. Security can no longer be interpreted only at the local level - of a country, a region or a continent. Serious events taking place in geographically far parts of the world - wars, natural disasters, economic crises, international organized crime, terrorism, etc. - can have a quick and strong impact on countries located on the opposite side of the world. For example, the conflicts taking place in the Middle East and North Africa have a deep impact on the national security of the EU member States, including Hungary. Illegal migration and terrorism originating from these regions are serious security risks in Europe. We can only effectively manage these risks at their starting points, locally. The EU actively takes place in this activity with its Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) missions. These missions are not robust military engagements, but mostly unarmed civilian experts and law enforcement specialists carry out missions supporting the rule of law and law enforcement sector in certain countries. The law enforcement components of the EU missions play an important role in the training and development of local law enforcement forces in different crises effected geographical regions. Through these activities, the affected countries and regions can be stabilized.

Item Type: Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords: Middle East, crisis, crisis management, EU, law enforcement
Subjects: U Military Science / hadtudomány > U1 Military Science (General) / hadtudomány általában
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 07 May 2024 12:49
Last Modified: 07 May 2024 12:49

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