A kecskék arthritis-encephalitise (CAE) mentesítés tapasztalatai egy alpesikecske-állományban = Experiences of a CAEV (Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus) Eradication Programme in an Alpine Goat Farm

Mocskonyi, Mátyás and Gulyás, László and Szakács, Máté and Malik, Péter (2024) A kecskék arthritis-encephalitise (CAE) mentesítés tapasztalatai egy alpesikecske-állományban = Experiences of a CAEV (Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus) Eradication Programme in an Alpine Goat Farm. MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 146 (5). pp. 259-271. ISSN 0025-004X

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A szerzők szelektáláson alapuló, 2020 és 2023 között egy 150 anyás tahitótfalui alpesikecske-tenyészetben zajló mentesítési program tapasztalatait írták le. A kecskék arthritis-encephalitisét okozó vírus jelenlétére egy rutin vizsgálat során derült fény, azonban a szeropozitív állatok nagy száma és a megjelenő klinikai tünetek miatt a mentesítés indokolttá vált. Ennek segítségével a betegséget 2021 végére sikerült visszaszorítani, de egy hosszabb immunszupresszív időszak miatt a teljes mentességet nem sikerült elérni. A tapasztalatok alapján a kórkép elleni mentesítési programok állategészségügyi, gazdasági és tenyésztési szempontból is hasznosak lehetnek a hazai kecsketenyésztők számára. Background: The CAEV (Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus) together with Maedi visna virus (MVV) are specific pathogen of small ruminants (small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV). The clinical signs can be arthritis or mastitis in adults and encephalitis in kids, however, most of the CAEV infections remain subclinical. The viral infection can be lifelong and the animals can become a virus carrier at any time. The most effective way to eradicate the virus is through the selection and culling of infected animals, based on serological results. Objectives: An eradication programme was carried out in a goat herd of 150 does in Tahitótfalu between 2020 and 2023. A routine serological survey revealed that the number of CAEV seropositive animals in the herd was very high, and as the number of animals with clinical symptoms started to increase, an eradication program became advisable. The objective was to lower the rate of seropositive animals, and to keep the herd free from the clinical signs. Materials and Methods: The primary method for screening the animals was the antibody ELISA method. It was sensitive and specific enough to find the seropositive animals in the herd. As an additional method, real-time and conventional PCR methods was used to test blood samples. Results and Discussion: After the initial seropositive results, there were several other test methods in the herd to detect the seropositive animals. In 2020 the percentage of seropositive goats was between 33% and 100%, so an eradication programme was advised to decrease the number of infected animals and to reduce the clinical signs in the herd. As a consequence of the selection-based programme, the rate of seropositive animals was successfully decreased in the herd by the end of 2021 (1-20%). However, due to a prolonged period of immunosuppression, the disease started to spread again among the animals during 2022, and the complete eradication could not be achieved. Nevertheless, our experiences show that CAEV eradication programmes can be a useful tool to decrease the clinical consequences of the disease on dairy goat farms.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: S Agriculture / mezőgazdaság > SV Veterinary science / állatorvostudomány
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 14 May 2024 11:58
Last Modified: 14 May 2024 11:58

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