Effect of temperature transition on the activity parameters of Br-type neurone of Helix pomatia L.

Vadász, István and Véró, Mihály (1974) Effect of temperature transition on the activity parameters of Br-type neurone of Helix pomatia L. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Tihanyi Biológiai Kutatóintézetének évkönyve, 41. pp. 81-89. ISSN 0365-3005


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The changes of the activity pattern and activity parameters of the Br-cell of Helix pomatia L. following the continuous increase and decrease of temperature were investigated. According to the results both the activity pattern and the activity parameters depend on the direction of the alteration. On warming two sections of transient character could be distinguished in the formation of the activity pattern: 1. At the beginning of warming from the low temperature, the ceasing of the activity and the hyperpolarization of the membrane. 2. The returning of the already continuous activity to the bursting function after reaching the stable temperature of 33 °C. At the two-directional modification of the temperature, the alteration of the parameters of the cell activity is of a hysteresis chatacter; depending on the direction of the alteration, two values of parameter belong to one, given temperature value.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QL Zoology / állattan
Depositing User: Edina Fejős
Date Deposited: 15 May 2024 17:16
Last Modified: 15 May 2024 17:16

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