Improving the Mechanical Properties of Vulcanizates Containing Ground Tire Rubber: Recipe Optimization with the Taguchi Method

Kiss, Lóránt and Molnár, Márk János and Mészáros, László (2024) Improving the Mechanical Properties of Vulcanizates Containing Ground Tire Rubber: Recipe Optimization with the Taguchi Method. POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, 35 (4). No.-6389. ISSN 1042-7147 (print); 1099-1581 (online)

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In this study, we optimized the recipe of ground tire rubber (GTR) containing natural rubber–based vulcanizates using the Taguchi method. We examined the effect of the amount of different components on the mechanical properties of natural rubber–based vulcanizates containing GTR. We determined the individual impact of each component on the tensile strength, elongation at break, modulus, tear strength, and hardness of the vulcanizates. However, when multiple components are changed simultaneously, understanding the underlying processes can be challenging. Nevertheless, using the Taguchi method, we were able to decide which component quantity we needed to modify to enhance a specific mechanical property. With the Taguchi method, we determined how and to what extent each component influences the tensile strength of vulcanizates in a sulfur-based vulcanization system. Finally, based on the results, we formulated a recipe to produce a vulcanizate with approximately 43% higher tensile strength compared to the reference.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: KEYWORDS ground tire rubber, natural rubber, recipe optimization, recycling, rubber waste, Taguchi method
Subjects: T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > TS Manufactures / különféle iparágak, ipari termékek > TS50 Rubber industry. Plastics industry / gumi- és műanyagipar
Depositing User: Dr. Tamás Tábi
Date Deposited: 30 May 2024 07:52
Last Modified: 30 May 2024 07:52

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