On the mechanical properties of the hinge ligament of Anodonta cygnea L. (Pelecypoda) in situ

Lábos, Elemér (1971) On the mechanical properties of the hinge ligament of Anodonta cygnea L. (Pelecypoda) in situ. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Tihanyi Biológiai Kutatóintézetének évkönyve, 38. pp. 53-63. ISSN 0365-3005


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Certain, in situ mechanical properties of the hinge-ligament of Anodonta cygnea L. are described: 1. The ligament consists of elastic and viscous elements. A plausible equivalent is given. 2. A crude Young-modulus for the quick, elastic compound is: 2.8 ± 1.8 kp/mm² 3. The tensions developing in the participating ligament and adductors during the closure of shell: T (muscle) 0.03-0.04 kp/cm² (minimal) T (ligament) 1-1.5 kp/cm² (maximal) 4. Dynamic constants determined for a linear approximation of the freely moving shell-ligament system are: frequency ~ 30 Hz; К ~ 7.2 -10⁵ dyn/cm; damping: ~ 0.1; D ~ 754 dyn·sec·cm⁻¹. 5. The elastic ligament can be one of the causes of the in situ observable relaxations and it is in a part responsible for the initial value laws described for the adductor muscles (Lábos et al. 1970).

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QL Zoology / állattan
Depositing User: Edina Fejős
Date Deposited: 30 May 2024 17:51
Last Modified: 30 May 2024 17:52

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