Triggers for displaced decays of long-lived neutral particles in the ATLAS detector

Aad, G. and Abajyan, T. and Abbott, B. and Abdallah, J. and Khalek, S. A. and Abdelalim, A. A. and Abdinov, O. and Aben, R. and Abi, B. and Abolins, M. and AbouZeid, O. S. and Abramowicz, H. and Abreu, H. and Abulaiti, Y. and Acharya, B. S. and Adamczyk, L. and Adams, D. L. and Addy, T. N. and Adelman, J. and Adomeit, S. and Adye, T. and Aefsky, S. and Aguilar-Saavedra, J. A. and Agustoni, M. and Ahlen, S. P. and Ahles, F. and Ahmad, A. and Ahsan, M. and Aielli, G. and Akesson, T. P. A. and Krasznahorkay, Attila and Nagai, Yoshikazu and Pásztor, Gabriella and Tóth, József (2013) Triggers for displaced decays of long-lived neutral particles in the ATLAS detector. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, 8. ISSN 1748-0221

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A set of three dedicated triggers designed to detect long-lived neutral particles decaying throughout the ATLAS detector to a pair of hadronic jets is described. The efficiencies of the triggers for selecting displaced decays as a function of the decay position are presented for simulated events. The effect of pile-up interactions on the trigger efficiencies and the dependence of the trigger rate on instantaneous luminosity during the 2012 data-taking period at the LHC are discussed.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QC Physics / fizika
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 01 Jul 2024 13:55
Last Modified: 01 Jul 2024 13:55

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