Egységben az erő = Unity is strenght

Gulyás, Levente (2024) Egységben az erő = Unity is strenght. METSZET, 15 (4). pp. 10-19. ISSN 2061-2710

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NEW WING OF SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY'S FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY; ARCHITECTS: IMRE BŐDI and ZSOLT FRIKKER Following a successful competition entry to complete a formula for solving the need to expand the universities facilities it became apparent that completing the narrow, urban block was required. Typical of Budapest these sites often present a narrow facade to the street that conceals a deep site behind. These buildings are solved by developing a linear volume that due to the need to erect fire walls usually, and in this case single aspect, facing an inner courtyard. The success of this design is to introduce maximum daylight to the building core functions, which comes as a surprise when hidden behind other buildings.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: N Fine Arts / képzőművészet > NA Architecture / építészet
Depositing User: Pál Csanády
Date Deposited: 21 Aug 2024 08:50
Last Modified: 21 Aug 2024 08:50

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