Facet-cut vessels from Gorsium, Pannonia : Style, distribution and chemical composition

Dévai, Kata and Fórizs, István (2024) Facet-cut vessels from Gorsium, Pannonia : Style, distribution and chemical composition. In: Annales du 22e Congrés de l'Association Internationale pour l'histoire du Verre. Association internationale pour l’histoire du verre (AIHV), Lisbon, pp. 131-140. ISBN 978-989-9164-22-2

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The facet-cutting method was invented in the 1st century AD. Glass cutters began to create zoned facet-cut decoration to arrange horizontal facets divided by linear grooves mostly on Isings 96 bowls in the second half of the 2nd and first half of the 3rd century AD. Bowls and cups with complex facetcut decoration became so fashionable that even goldsmiths and potters sought to imitate the technique. Examination of the spatial distribution of these vessels around Pannonia clearly shows that facet-cut bowls were mainly found in the Danube Bend settlements along the Limes (Brigetio, Aquincum and Intercisa). Production peaked in the second half of the 2nd and first half of the 3rd century, and it suddenly ended in the 260s. The decoration schemes, evolution and size of the motifs as well as traces of tools were analysed to describe the particularities of the products of the Pannonian workshop. The chemical composition of base glasses from Intercisa and Brigetio was studied using electron probe microanalysis-energy dispersive X-ray. The chemical compositions of the samples from one of the sites are rather close to each other, indicating that they were made using the same recipe and may have been produced in the same workshop. The glass is typically Roman in composition, with manganese (Mn) below the detection limit and very low iron (Fe), which means that the raw material was of good quality. Less than 1% antimony (Sb2 O3 ) was used as a decolouriser.

Item Type: Book Section
Additional Information: A konferencián elhangzott előadás szerkesztett, bővített, jegyzetekkel ellátott változata.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Roman glass bowls, facet-cut, Pannonia, chemical composition
Subjects: C Auxiliary Sciences of History / történeti segédtudományok > CC Archaeology / régészet
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 18 Sep 2024 13:30
Last Modified: 18 Sep 2024 13:30

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