„Hány ember vagy te?” : Mezei Kinga: Szelídítések, 2000 = "How many people are you?". Kinga Mezei: Taming, 2000

Góli, Kornélia (2024) „Hány ember vagy te?” : Mezei Kinga: Szelídítések, 2000 = "How many people are you?". Kinga Mezei: Taming, 2000. THEATRON: SZÍNHÁZTUDOMÁNYI PERIODIKA, 18 (1). pp. 64-71. ISSN 1418-9941

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The paper analyses the production of Taming (Szelídítések), presented by the Novi Sad Theatre in 2000. In her first production for a permanent theatre, Kinga Mezei emphasises the interdisciplinary nature of theatre. As a highly versatile artist, she experiments with the interplay of music, visual art, and literature/poetry. Her most distinctive feature as a director is the use of impressions, intuitions, and ideas from different artistic disciplines. The production is based on the works of János Sziveri, a poet from Vojvodina who died young in 1990. The structure of the study follows the Philther method of performance analysis and draws on the press materials and reviews of the performance.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Novi Sad Theatre, Taming, János Sziveri, Kinga Mezei, interdisciplinarity
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PN Literature (General) / irodalom általában > PN2000 Dramatic representation. The Theater / színházművészet
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 02 Dec 2024 08:53
Last Modified: 02 Dec 2024 08:53

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