Overview of the utilization and disposal of waste from maritime shipping and examination of possible solutions

Kári-Horváth, Attila and Zs., Lantos and Á., Sztancsek (2024) Overview of the utilization and disposal of waste from maritime shipping and examination of possible solutions. HUNGARIAN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING (43). pp. 37-52. ISSN 0864-7410

43-2024-04-HAEDOI10.17676HAE.2024.43.37.pdf - Published Version

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Towards the middle of the XXI. century, environmental protection is becoming more and more of a focus in the world. According to not only environmentalists but also many politicians, economists, and even historians, the biggest threat to the world is environmental pollution and climate change caused by global warming. Accordingly, the development of environmentally friendly technologies, which does not only apply to the automotive industry, is also in full swing in the transport industry. Much attention is paid to reducing the environmental burden of shipping as well. This is all the more justified since nowadays, the most common ship fuel, the so-called heavy oil, contains 3500 times more sulfur than conventional diesel fuel. Accordingly, there are now floating hotels operating around the world that use LNG as a green fuel. In this article, we try to collect the literature strongly related to the topic in order to develop detailed technology in our further work.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: shipboard waste, waste utilization, MARPOL convention, Rankine-Clausius cycle, heat treatment technologies
Subjects: T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > T2 Technology (General) / műszaki tudományok általában
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 04 Dec 2024 19:51
Last Modified: 04 Dec 2024 19:51

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