Neural Networks for Vehicle Routing Problem

Kovács, László and Jlidi, Ali (2024) Neural Networks for Vehicle Routing Problem. ADVANCED LOGISTIC SYSTEMS: THEORY AND PRACTICE, 18 (2). pp. 17-29. ISSN 1789-2198

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The Vehicle Routing Problem is about optimizing the routes of vehicles to meet the needs of customers at specific locations. The route graph consists of depots on several levels and customer positions. Several optimization methods have been developed over the years, most of which are based on some type of classic heuristic: genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, tabu search, ant colony optimization, firefly algorithm. Recent developments in machine learning provide a new toolset, the rich family of neural networks, for tackling complex problems. The main area of application of neural networks is the area of classification and regression. Route optimization can be viewed as a new challenge for neural networks. The article first presents an analysis of the applicability of neural network tools, then a novel graphical neural network model is presented in detail. The efficiency analysis based on test experiments shows the applicability of the proposed NN architecture.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: route planning, TSP, neural networks, GNN
Subjects: T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > T2 Technology (General) / műszaki tudományok általában
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 05 Dec 2024 13:04
Last Modified: 05 Dec 2024 13:04

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