Digitális kiadások migrációja: gépi és emberi intelligencia együttműködése = Migration of digital editions: collaboration of machine and human intelligence

Fellegi, Zsófia (2024) Digitális kiadások migrációja: gépi és emberi intelligencia együttműködése = Migration of digital editions: collaboration of machine and human intelligence. In: Az oktatás, a kutatás és a közgyűjtemények digitális transzformációja felsőfokon : NETWORKSHOP 2024 : 33. Országos Informatikai Konferencia : 2024. április 3-5. Eszterházy Károly Katolikus Egyetem, Eger. HUNGARNET Egyesület, Budapest, pp. 177-183. ISBN 9786158224321

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The service provider of DigiPhil (The Hungarian Philological Portal of Literary Studies) has been the HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities since 2021. As a consortium partner of the Digital Heritage National Laboratory and with its support, DigiPhil has started to clarify its profile and renew the infrastructure behind the service. At the 2022 Networkshop conference, we presented the components of DigiPhil’s new infrastructure. In the presentation, we generously planned the full transition for the end of 2022. However, over the past year and a half, we have encountered migration issues that can serve as lessons for other projects. During this time, we have also had to deal with the previously unforeseen impact of artificial intelligence. In this study, I report on the migration difficulties between the two infrastructures, the integration of traditional data conversion methods and artificial intelligence, and the experiences related to these. The paper examines different levels of the migration process, including the unification of the TEI XML files that underlie the editions, the examination of differences arising from the specifics of repository software, the possibilities of AI tools, and concrete solution options. It also explores the structural problems of markup languages and semantic data enrichment through specific examples of digitised text editions.

Item Type: Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords: digital philology, artiffical intelligence, semantic webtechnology
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QA Mathematics / matematika > QA76.76 Software Design and Development / Szoftvertervezés és -fejlesztés
Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources / könyvtártudomány > Z286.O63 Open Access, Open Access to publications, Open Access to data, OA, linked open data, semantic web technologies / Nyílt hozzáférés,publikációkhoz, adatokhoz, kapcsolt nyílt adatok, szemantikus web
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 02 Jan 2025 13:16
Last Modified: 02 Jan 2025 13:16

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