Posztmodern intertextualitás és digitális szövegkiadás = Postmodern intertextuality and digital text publishing

Palkó, Gábor (2024) Posztmodern intertextualitás és digitális szövegkiadás = Postmodern intertextuality and digital text publishing. In: Az oktatás, a kutatás és a közgyűjtemények digitális transzformációja felsőfokon : NETWORKSHOP 2024 : 33. Országos Informatikai Konferencia : 2024. április 3-5. Eszterházy Károly Katolikus Egyetem, Eger. HUNGARNET Egyesület, Budapest, pp. 184-191. ISBN 9786158224321

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The radical intertextuality in postmodern prose can also be interpreted as an attack on the traditional concept of the modernist authorial identity. How can the identity of the implied author (Wayne C. Booth) be constructed when a work of literary art is a collage of both marked and unmarked quotations from heterogeneous sources and genres? Péter Esterházy, arguably the most influential Hungarian prose writer of the second half of the 20th century, questioned the unity of authority and identity of the writer in both his literary works and essays. But how does this subversive rhetoric impact the practice of critical text editing? This question is particularly timely, as we are currently in the second year of a three-year NKFIH project aimed at producing a genetically annotated edition of Esterházy’s first and perhaps most important novel, in both print and digital formats. In this brief study, I will address the context and status of the edition, with a particular focus on how to manage the dense network of intertextual connections within and between texts, a network that cannot be uncovered through traditional "close reading” methodologies. Practices of „distant reading” (Franco Moretti), or more precisely, computational literary analysis, may present a viable alternative, yet integrating these methods into a philological workflow – especially in a borndigital format—is far from straightforward.

Item Type: Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords: digital scholarly editing, genetic criticism, intertextuality, text similarity, Text Encoding Initiative
Subjects: Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources / könyvtártudomány > Z278-549 Bookselling and publishing / könyvkereskedelem és -kiadás
Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources / könyvtártudomány > Z701.3.D54 Digitalisation/ICT and cultural heritage / Digitalizálás, ICT és kulturális örökség
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 02 Jan 2025 13:21
Last Modified: 02 Jan 2025 13:21

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