Mikro-RNS-ek a genomban : a génexpressziós hálózat parányi finomhangolói = micro-RNAs – tiny regulators to fine tune gene expression network

Orbán, Tamás I. (2024) Mikro-RNS-ek a genomban : a génexpressziós hálózat parányi finomhangolói = micro-RNAs – tiny regulators to fine tune gene expression network. LEGE ARTIS MEDICINAE, 34 (12). pp. 581-589. ISSN 0866-4811

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Az élőlények örökítőanyagában rengeteg, fehérjét nem kódoló, úgynevezett RNS gén található, amelyek az emberi genom ese­tében számosságban felül is múlják a „hagyományos” fehérjekódoló géneket. Ezek között kitüntetett szereppel bírnak a kis méretű mikro-RNS-eket kódoló szekvenciák, amelyek a 2024. évi orvosi-élet­tani Nobel-díj kapcsán a szűk tudományterületen kívül is az érdeklődés középpontjába kerültek. | In the genomes of living organisms, there are many non-protein-coding genes, also known as RNA genes, which in the case of the human genome outnumber the “tradi­tional” protein-coding genes. Among these, the sequences encoding for small micro­RNAs are of particular importance, and the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Me­dicine for their discovery has attracted at­tention even outside the narrow scientific field. In a broad sense, microRNAs belong to the RNA interference pathways and in­teracting with specific proteins they form “silencing complexes” that target protein coding messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules. The targets are selected by sequence complementarity, and once the microRNA-driven silencing complex attaches to the mRNA, it inhibits protein synthesis and, in many cases, triggers the degradation of the selected mRNA. However, the system is complex, as multiple microRNAs can bind to one particular target and their coordinated action is required for complete inhibi­tion. At the same time, a single microRNA can have multiple target mRNAs, resulting in a complex regulatory network capable of ‘fine-tuning’ the gene expression pattern. As our understanding of the formation and life cycle of microRNAs within the cell grows, it is becoming clear that their dysregulation can underlie a wide range of pathologies. The aim of this short review is to give a brief introduction to the world of microRNAs and briefly discuss how the knowledge gained can be used in biome­dical research and medicine.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: emberi genom, RNS gén, mikro-RNS-ket kódoló szekvenciák, szabályozási zavarok, human genome, RNA genes, ‘fine-tuning’ the gene expression pattern, wide range of pathologies
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QH Natural history / természetrajz > QH426 Genetics / genetika, örökléstan
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 02 Jan 2025 08:43
Last Modified: 02 Jan 2025 08:43

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