Evaluation of electrophysiological changes before and after pramipexole treatment in patients diagnosed with idiopathic restless legs syndrome = Pramipexolkezelés előtti és utáni elektrofiziológiai változások értékelése idiopathiás nyugtalan láb szindrómával diagnosztizált betegek körében

Tekesin, Aysel and Erten, Nilgun and Cimen Atalar, Arife (2025) Evaluation of electrophysiological changes before and after pramipexole treatment in patients diagnosed with idiopathic restless legs syndrome = Pramipexolkezelés előtti és utáni elektrofiziológiai változások értékelése idiopathiás nyugtalan láb szindrómával diagnosztizált betegek körében. IDEGGYOGYASZATI SZEMLE / CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE, 78 (1-2). pp. 37-16. ISSN 0019-1442

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Background and purpose – Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder characterized by an irresistible urge to move the legs, frequently accompanied by unplea sant sensations. In this study, we aimed to determine the changes in electrophysiologi cal tests including Fwave responses and H-reflex parameters in patients with idio pathic RLS after pramipexole medication. Methods –This prospective study was con ducted with twenty newly diagnosed, idio pathic RLS patients. The electrophysiological parameters, specifically F-wave duration (FWD), the duration of related compound muscle action potential (CMAPD), and FWD/ CMAPD ratio, the ratio of maximum H-reflex amplitude(H) to maximum M-response amplitude (M)(H/M) were recorded in pa tients with idiopathic RLS before and after pramipexole medication. Results – The results revealed significant improvements in specific electrophysio logical parameters after pramipexole use. We observed a significant decrease in FWD, CMAPD, and FWD/CMAPD values after pra mipexole treatment suggesting a reduction in motor neuron excitability. We also ob served a significant decrease in H/M ratio after pramipexole medication indicating reduced spinal motor neuron excitability. Conclusion – This study demonstrated sig nificant improvement in specific electrophys iological parameters following pramipexole treatment in patients with idiopathic RLS. The findings provide better understanding of the effects of pramipexole on nerve function and may contribute to the development of a monitoring tool and lead to more target ed treatments and interventions for RLS, improving the overall management and care for patients’ outcomes and quality of life with this debilitating condition.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Restless legs syndrome, electro physiological tests, pramipexole
Subjects: R Medicine / orvostudomány > RA Public aspects of medicine / orvostudomány társadalmi szerepe
Depositing User: Zsolt Baráth
Date Deposited: 11 Feb 2025 08:34
Last Modified: 11 Feb 2025 08:36

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