Production of 163Ho Radioisotope via Induced Nuclear Reaction by Proton and Deuteron : Comparison of Theoretical Calculation and Experimental Data

Szűcs, Zoltán and Takács, Sándor and Maiti, Momita and Lahiri, Susanta (2014) Production of 163Ho Radioisotope via Induced Nuclear Reaction by Proton and Deuteron : Comparison of Theoretical Calculation and Experimental Data. In: International Conference on Application of Radiotracers and Energetic Beams in Sciences. ARCEBS 14, 12-18. January 2014, Kolkata, India.


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The main goal of the Electron Capture 163Ho (ECHO) project is to determine the mass of neutrino. In view of the ECHO experiment necessity of production of pure 163Ho source has been realized as it offers low Q value ~2.8 keV to the Electron Capture process. However, production of long lived (4570y) 163Ho radionuclides is a challenging task. Very few experimental data are exist in the literature, which could be used to decide which nuclear reactions can be used for production of 163Ho. The cyclotron based nuclear reactions are as follows: 163Dy(p,n)163Ho, 163Dy(d,2n)163Ho, 164Dy(p,2n)163Ho, natDy(α,xn)163Er→163Ho, 159Tb(7Li,3n)163Er→163Ho, 159Tb(7Li,p2n)163Ho and the 162Er(d,n)163Tm, 164Er(p,2n)163Tm. 163Tm decays to 163Ho through 163Er. The most potential nuclear reactions among them, are the (d,xn) and (p,xn). The excitation function of these reactions are collected and compared.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Lecture)
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QD Chemistry / kémia
Depositing User: Dr. Zoltán Szűcs
Date Deposited: 06 Feb 2015 12:47
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2015 12:47

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