Zwischen Verlust und Hoffnung: Die Bedeutung von Objekten in Adalbert Stifters „Der Nachsommer“ (1857) und „Der Tandelmarkt“ (1841) und W. G. Sebalds „Austerlitz“ (2001)

Perić, Nikoleta (2024) Zwischen Verlust und Hoffnung: Die Bedeutung von Objekten in Adalbert Stifters „Der Nachsommer“ (1857) und „Der Tandelmarkt“ (1841) und W. G. Sebalds „Austerlitz“ (2001). JAHRBUCH DER UNGARISCHEN GERMANISTIK. pp. 130-147. ISSN 2677-1195

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Adalbert Stifter and W.G. Sebald share a strong interest in things and collections in their works of fiction, reflecting a desire to create a permanent memory. In Stifter’s work, this is achieved through documenting objects, with which he aims to establish a perfect world and reduce the possibility of change. Sebald’s work, on the other hand, could not be perceived as the mapping of the world. Sebald depicts objects that can be interpreted in various ways precisely because of their loss of meaning; they are either represented as a replacement of the lost memories or reveal themselves as silent observers of the time. This study examines both museum collections and flea markets in the works of these authors, exploring how these diverse contexts influence the perception of objects. Although both authors draw on the poetological principle of collecting, their works represent two different historical contexts and experiences of loss, giving the collected objects a whole new meaning.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Adalbert Stifter, W. G. Sebald, Things, Objects, Collecting, Museum, Memory
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PN Literature (General) / irodalom általában
Depositing User: Andrea Tankó
Date Deposited: 31 Jan 2025 09:46
Last Modified: 31 Jan 2025 09:46

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