Correlations Between Prognosis and Regional Biomarker Profiles in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas

Szentkúti, Gabriella and Dános, Kornél and Brauswetter, Diána and Kiszner, Gergő and Krenács, Tibor and Csákó, László and Répássy, Gábor and Tamás, László (2015) Correlations Between Prognosis and Regional Biomarker Profiles in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas. Pathology & Oncology Research, 21 (3). pp. 643-650. ISSN 1219-4956


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Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSC C) show diverse clinicopathological features and are mostly linked with poor outcome. In this study, we tested if the expression of tumor growth, cell cycle and basement mem- brane anchorage related biomarkers allow prognostic and clinicopathological stratification of HNSCC. Archived HNSCC samples from 226 patients included into tissue mi- croarrays (TMA) were tested using immunohistochemistry. Histopathological evaluation and the analysis of immuno- staining for EGFR, Ki67, p53, p16 ink4 and Collagen XVII proteins were carried out in digital whole slides. Statistical evaluation was carried out using Pearson ’ s Chi-square test and Kaplan-Meier survival anal ysis. In the tested cohort, hypopharyngeal cancers had the least favorable, and glottic cancers had the most favorable prognosis. High Ki67 positive tumor cell fractions were associated with significantly worse prognosis and elevated rate of lymph node metastasis. Both Ki67 and EGFR expression correlated significantly with the tumor localization. Ki67 index was the highest in the hypopharyngeal region and it proved to be the lowest in the glottic region. EGFR expression was the highest in the oral cavity and the lowest in the glottic region. The survival rate of patients with p16 ink4 -negative cancer was significantly lower than of those with p16 ink4 -positive disease. A significant inverse correlation was found between histological grade and the prognosis of HNSCC. Our data support that elevated Ki67 positive proliferating cell fractions contribute to the unfavorable prognosis of hypoph aryngeal cancers, while glottic cancers have the most favorable prognosis because of the lowest Ki67 expression rate.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: R Medicine / orvostudomány > R1 Medicine (General) / orvostudomány általában
Depositing User: Elvira Rigóné Kálé
Date Deposited: 05 Aug 2015 19:54
Last Modified: 03 Apr 2023 08:29

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