Palaeoecology of the Early Pleistocene Somssich Hill 2 locality (Hungary) based on Crocidura and Sorex (Mammalia, Soricidae) occurrences

Mészáros, Lukács (2015) Palaeoecology of the Early Pleistocene Somssich Hill 2 locality (Hungary) based on Crocidura and Sorex (Mammalia, Soricidae) occurrences. Hantkeniana, 10. pp. 147-152. ISSN 1219-3933


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Two Crocidura and three Sorex species are reported from the Early Pleistocene Somssich Hill 2 locality (Villány Hills, Southern Hungary): C. kornfeldi KORMOS, 1934; C. obtusa KRETZOI, 1938; S. minutus LINNAEUS, 1766; S. runtonensis HINTON, 1911 and S. margaritodon KRETZOI, 1941. We compared the number of the Crocidura and Sorex occurrences in the 50 layers of the site and drew a sketch of the surrounding ecotypes. Layers 50–47 represent warmer climate with deciduous forests. From layer 46 cold climate and open grassland (steppe) appeared in the surroundings of the locality. In layers 33–4 mixed vegetation with forests and open grassland areas occurred varying in composition. Within this period layers 20–4 are characterized by the stronger dominance of the open vegetation. In layers 3–1 there are not enough remains to make a certain conclusion concerning the vegetation.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QE Geology / földtudományok > QE05 Historical geology. Stratigraphy / Földtörténet, rétegtan
Q Science / természettudomány > QH Natural history / természetrajz > QH526 Paleontology / őslénytan
Q Science / természettudomány > QH Natural history / természetrajz > QH540 Ecology / ökológia
Q Science / természettudomány > QL Zoology / állattan
Depositing User: Dr. Lukács Mészáros
Date Deposited: 01 Sep 2015 13:24
Last Modified: 06 Jan 2023 10:34

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