Broken-winged: fossil and subfossil pathological bird bones from recent excavations

Gál, Erika (2008) Broken-winged: fossil and subfossil pathological bird bones from recent excavations. In: 2nd Meeting of ICAZ Animal Palaeopathology Working Group, 2004. szeptember 23-24., Nitra.

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Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information: Megjelent: Miklíková Z; Thomas R. (szerk.): Current Research in Animal Palaeopathology. (BAR International Series 1844). Oxford: Oxbow, 2008. pp. 80-86.
Uncontrolled Keywords: régészeti állattan, madár, csont, patológia
Subjects: C Auxiliary Sciences of History / történeti segédtudományok > CC Archaeology / régészet
Q Science / természettudomány > QL Zoology / állattan
Depositing User: Dr. Erika Gál
Date Deposited: 27 Jan 2012 08:20
Last Modified: 08 Oct 2012 11:13

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