Chemical use in crop production - Can it be reduced by new technologies?

Takácsné György, Katalin (2015) Chemical use in crop production - Can it be reduced by new technologies? ANNALS OF THE POLISH ASSOCIATION OF AGRICULTURAL AND AGRIBUSINESS ECONOMISTS, 17 (3). pp. 386-391. ISSN 1508-3535


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The necessity of chemical use reduction in agriculture is frequently mentioned. Due to the tech - nical development of chemical and machine industries, we have solutions to spread fewer ingredients per hectare than we did 30 years ago. One of these techniques is site-specific crop production. Depending on the number of farms and land used by turning to site-specific pesticide use, the savings vary between 5341 to 10 682 tons of ingredient in Hungary, and 5110 to 10 221 tons in Poland. Although site-specific crop production is compatible with ecological, economic and social sustainability, its real diffusion is not as fast as it could be. In both countries it is suggested to strengthen medium sized farms and encourage shifting them to site-specific farming, supporting machine sharing forms and services of fered by other companies.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HB Economic Theory / közgazdaságtudomány
S Agriculture / mezőgazdaság > S1 Agriculture (General) / mezőgazdaság általában
Depositing User: MTMT SWORD
Date Deposited: 20 Dec 2015 17:21
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2015 17:21

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