The Economic and Social Consequences of the Reconstruction of the Economy of the BAZ County in Hungary

Zsugyel, János (2002) The Economic and Social Consequences of the Reconstruction of the Economy of the BAZ County in Hungary. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section A - Mining Industry, III. (A). pp. 197-200. ISSN 0371-7844


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Structural changes in the region's economy caused fast growing unemployment in the early 1990's. Both government and local authorities made significant efforts to stop the economic decline and the social crisis. In 1995 an integrated decentralised programme was created for the county's economic development. The realisation of different actions in 8 sub-programmes initiated the development in the post-industrial economic structure and enhanced the attractiveness of the county for international investors. For the period of 2000-2006 was a new Regional Development Plan elaborated, which aims to end the backwardness of the county with forced economic development. The new priorities are innovation-oriented renewal with an orientation towards export and support of research and development activities, mainly in small and medium sized enterprises.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HC Economic History and Conditions / gazdaság története és alapelvek > HC2 Economic policy / gazdaságpolitika
H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > HM Sociology / társadalomkutatás
Depositing User: Erika Bilicsi
Date Deposited: 02 Jan 2013 14:56
Last Modified: 02 Jan 2013 14:56

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