Quality-related regional differences in entrepreneurship based on the GEDI methodology: The case of Hungary

Komlósi, Éva and Szerb, László and Ács, Zoltán J. and Ortega-Argilés, Raquel (2015) Quality-related regional differences in entrepreneurship based on the GEDI methodology: The case of Hungary. Acta Oeconomica, 65 (3). pp. 455-477. ISSN 0001-6373


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This paper presents a regional application of the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI) methodology of Acs et al. (2013) to examine the level of entrepreneurship across Hungary’s seven NUTS-2 level regions between 2006 and 2012. The Regional Entrepreneurship and Development Index (REDI) has been constructed for capturing the individual efforts, and their contextual features, of entrepreneurship across regions. The REDI method builds on a Systems of Entrepreneurship Theory and provides a way to profile Regional Systems of Entrepreneurship. Important aspects of the REDI method include the Penalty for Bottleneck analysis, which helps in identifying constraining factors in Regional Systems of Entrepreneurship, and Policy Portfolio Optimisation analysis, which helps policymakers consider trade-offs between alternative policy scenarios and associated allocations of policy resources. The paper describes the entrepreneurial disparities amongst Hungarian regions and provides public policy suggestions to improve the level of entrepreneurship and to optimise resource allocation over the 14 pillars of entrepreneurship in the seven Hungarian regions.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > H Social Sciences (General) / társadalomtudomány általában
Depositing User: László Sallai-Tóth
Date Deposited: 05 Jul 2016 15:11
Last Modified: 30 Sep 2017 23:15

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