The Less is More: The 17-Item Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory

Orosz, Gábor and Tóth-Király, István and Dombi, Edina and Roland-Lévy, Christine (2015) The Less is More: The 17-Item Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. Current Psychology. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1046-1310, ESSN: 1936-4733

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In this article the goal was the examination of the factorial structure of a short, Hungarian version of Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI; Zimbardo and Boyd Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1271–1288, 1999) in a sample of 1370 participants, comparing alternative factor structures through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). According to the results the short, 17 item version of ZTPI includes the original five factors and has appropriate model fit indices. Furthermore, it is reliable in terms of internal consistency and temporal stability. In the light of previous ZTPI validations with severe shortcomings, the present results might encourage radical shortening of the original ZTPI scale.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion / filozófia, pszichológia, vallás > BF Psychology / lélektan > BF07 Individual psychology / individuálpszichológia
Depositing User: Dr. Gábor Orosz
Date Deposited: 04 Nov 2016 13:31
Last Modified: 04 Nov 2016 13:44

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