Ultrastructural observations on the surface of Thelazia lacrymalis (Nematoda: Spirurida, Thelaziidae)

Naem, Soraya (2005) Ultrastructural observations on the surface of Thelazia lacrymalis (Nematoda: Spirurida, Thelaziidae). Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 53 (2). pp. 205-212. ISSN 0236-6290

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Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to study the surface ultrastructure of female Thelazia lacrymalis obtained from naturally infected cattle. At the anterior end, the buccal capsule was cup shaped. The mouth was without lips and was surrounded by four cephalic papillae and two amphids. There were two lateral cervical papillae. Also, a single small papilla was seen on the ventral side, close to the vulvar opening. The vulva was located posterior to the end of the oesophagus and the tail carried an anal pore and a pair of phasmids near the tip. The cuticle was transversally annulated with fine striations.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: S Agriculture / mezőgazdaság > SV Veterinary science / állatorvostudomány
Depositing User: xKatalin xBarta
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2017 08:20
Last Modified: 15 Feb 2017 08:20

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