Late Eocene bryozoan faunas in the Alpine-Carpathian region - a comparison

Zágorsek, Kamil and Kázmér, Miklós (1999) Late Eocene bryozoan faunas in the Alpine-Carpathian region - a comparison. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, 2. pp. 493-504.

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Twelve Priabonian (Late Eocene) bryozoan faunas of the Alps and Carpathians, collected from shallow to deep marine sediments, are compared by similarity indices. High-diversity faunas from shallow bathyal bryozoan marls, where zoaria occur in rock-forming quantity, display the highest similarity - common for deep-water biota - despite their palaeogeographic position on widely separated terranes. Lower-diversity shallow marine faunas reflect less favourable conditions for bryozoan growth.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QE Geology / földtudományok
Depositing User: M. Kázmér
Date Deposited: 20 May 2013 17:30
Last Modified: 20 May 2013 17:30

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