Complex geoarcheological investigation at the Székelyudvarhely-Kadicsfalva/Cãdiseni site (Romania)

Náfrádi, Katalin and Persaits, Gergő and Sümegi, Pál (2012) Complex geoarcheological investigation at the Székelyudvarhely-Kadicsfalva/Cãdiseni site (Romania). Central European Geology, 55 (4). pp. 365-395. ISSN 1788-2281


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Abstract Environmental historical analyses, including sedimentological, pedological, palynological, archeobotanical and phytolith analyses were carried out on samples derived from the Kadicsfalva/Cãdiseni archeological site. Our aim was to provide paleoenvironmental data to the archeological results in order to reconstruct the former milieu of the Gothic population, and to provide information regarding their environment management. At the end of the Pleistocene loess and alluvial loess developed from the eolian dust that accumulated on the wet surfaces of the Pleistocene sediments. The site provided favorable conditions to host a settlement and supports its long-term colonization owning to the riverside terrace surface location. The comparative analysis of the recent and the Gothic soil horizon proved that the recent soil horizon is over-utilized; its productivity can be maintained only by intensive fertilization and almost every one of its parameters is below the element and nutrient composition of the Gothic soil horizon.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QE Geology / földtudományok
Depositing User: xBarbara xBodnár
Date Deposited: 20 Jun 2017 15:55
Last Modified: 04 Apr 2023 12:56

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