Thrips (Thysanoptera) in flowers of fruit trees in Poland

Pobożniak, M. (2008) Thrips (Thysanoptera) in flowers of fruit trees in Poland. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 43 (2). pp. 337-343. ISSN 0238-1249

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In 2004–2006 in southern Poland an investigation of the thrips fauna in altogether 78,000 flowers recorded 19 species of Thysanoptera. In the flowers of apple (Malus domestica) , pear (Pyrus communis) , sweet cherry (Prunus avium) , sour cherry (P. collina) , plum (P. domestica) and black chocoberry (Aronia melanocarpa) a total of 3748 adults (all identified to species) and 128 larvae were found. No damage to the flowers by the thrips was observed. The level of infestation of the flowers of fruit trees and berry bush by thrips was low and the relatively low number of larvae was due to the short flowering time of fruit trees. The following thrips species were eudominant: Taeniothrips inconsequens, Thrips fuscipennis and Thrips minutissimus .

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QH Natural history / természetrajz > QH540 Ecology / ökológia
Q Science / természettudomány > QK Botany / növénytan > QK10 Plant physiology / növényélettan
Q Science / természettudomány > QL Zoology / állattan > QL01 Systematic zoology / állatrendszertan
Depositing User: xBarbara xBodnár
Date Deposited: 02 Nov 2017 14:57
Last Modified: 02 Nov 2017 14:57

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