Metal matrix syntactic foams produced by pressure infiltration—The effect of infiltration parameters

Orbulov, Imre Norbert (2013) Metal matrix syntactic foams produced by pressure infiltration—The effect of infiltration parameters. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 583. pp. 11-19. ISSN 09215093

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Metal matrix syntactic foams (MMSFs) were produced by pressure infiltration. Two parameters of the infiltration process (pressure and time) were varied and the infiltrated length was measured as the function of infiltration parameters in order to get data for the implementation of pressure infiltration as mass-production of MMSFs similar to injection mould casting, especially in the short infiltration time range (<10 s). The infiltrated length was found to be linear function of pressure and square-root function of time. The effect of the infiltration parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of MMSFs were investigated by optical microscopy and standardised compression tests. The microscopic images were used to qualify the pressure infiltration and showed that more than one combination of infiltration parameters can be found for successful production of a part with given required dimensions. Considering the compression tests, the main characterising properties were mapped as function of infiltration parameters. The registered values showed dependency on the infiltration parameters and indicated that a given infiltration length produced by higher pressure and shorter time has better mechanical properties. The infiltrated specimens were isotropic, anisotropy was not observed in the reference measurements.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery / gépészmérnöki tudományok
Depositing User: Dr. Tamás Tábi
Date Deposited: 11 Oct 2013 08:32
Last Modified: 12 May 2016 12:34

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