Survey of the aflatoxin gene cluster in Aspergilli from Hungarian crops

Kovács, Szilvia and Pusztahelyi, Tünde (2017) Survey of the aflatoxin gene cluster in Aspergilli from Hungarian crops. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 52 (2). pp. 169-176. ISSN 0238-1249


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Climate changes in Europe, which is characterized by the decrease of rainy days and the higher average temperature at summer, significantly increase the spreading of Aspergillus species and aflatoxin B1 contamination of the staple food and feed materials. The aim of our study was to estimate the possibility of the aflatoxin production of the Aspergilli on crops. From the isolates that were gained from crop samples, higher than 40% of the Aspergillus isolates contained norA, aflR and omtA genes from the aflatoxin genes cluster. Most of these isolates (63%) showed high homology with A. flavus, while three isolates showed high homology to A. tritici/A. candidus, one to A. cristatus/A. amstelodami and one strain showed the highest homology to A. tritici. Six from the A. flavus isolates (85.7%) with norA, aflR and omtA genes could produce aflatoxin B1 on malate extract agar medium. Parallel PCR and toxin measurements are recommended to evaluate the potentiality of aflatoxin production.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science / természettudomány > QH Natural history / természetrajz > QH540 Ecology / ökológia
Q Science / természettudomány > QK Botany / növénytan > QK10 Plant physiology / növényélettan
Q Science / természettudomány > QL Zoology / állattan > QL01 Systematic zoology / állatrendszertan
Depositing User: Ágnes Sallai
Date Deposited: 12 Dec 2017 08:24
Last Modified: 31 Dec 2018 00:18

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