Obraz moszkalja b pjesze G. Kbitki-Osznonjanenko «Szbatannja ha Goncsarivci»

Lebovics, Viktória (2000) Obraz moszkalja b pjesze G. Kbitki-Osznonjanenko «Szbatannja ha Goncsarivci». Studia Slavica, 45 (1-4). pp. 175-190. ISSN 0039-3363


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Comparison of the Ukrainians and Russians, comparison of their scale of values is one of the main motives, which comes up again and again in the Ukrainian literary pieces of 19th century. Comparison of two nations reflects the extremely complicated his-torical, political and economical situation of their coexistence and is made on political, economical, national, cultural, psychological and linguistical levels. Sly Moscal is usually depicted from the point of view of disposed and decent Ukrainian peasant, who is compelled to struggle for his history, tradition, culture and language, compelled to prove sovereignty of the Ukrainian nation. Moscal in G. Kvitka-Osnovjanenko's comedy "Svatannja na Gonča-rivcy" is represented, on one hand, in general, and, on the other hand, in the character of Osip Skorik, the discharged soldier.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PG Slavic, Baltic, Albanian languages and literature / szláv, balti, albán nyelvek és irodalom
Depositing User: xEndre xSarvay
Date Deposited: 20 Mar 2018 11:57
Last Modified: 31 Mar 2020 23:17

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