Языческое прошлое глазами христианских хронистов-летописцев

Фонт, Марта (2008) Языческое прошлое глазами христианских хронистов-летописцев. Studia Slavica, 53 (2). pp. 305-317. ISSN 0039-3363

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The first chronicles of Central Europe were written in the beginning of 12th century. The authors of these chronicles lived in the courts of the princes or kings, and wrote their chronicle to support the idea of princely or royal courts about their own legitimacy. They used also the dynastic myths and some elements from the general tradition of the community about the past (oral history). They wrote differently about the origins, but there were common in the adaptation of the stories from the Bibles. The article focuses on the question how the Christian chroniclers wrote the pagan past; how the negative attitude to the pagan habits was mixed with the glorious events of the community in the pagan past.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PG Slavic, Baltic, Albanian languages and literature / szláv, balti, albán nyelvek és irodalom
Depositing User: xEndre xSarvay
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2018 10:36
Last Modified: 15 Jul 2018 10:36

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