Несколько замечаний по поводу разного содержания видовой оппозиции русского глагола

Ясаи, Ласло (2008) Несколько замечаний по поводу разного содержания видовой оппозиции русского глагола. Studia Slavica, 53 (2). pp. 353-363. ISSN 0039-3363

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The first part of the paper studies the main types of aspectual pairs, while the second part examines the variants of aspectual oppositions which are distinguished within the same type of opposition, that is, regarding even one concrete aspectual pair. In the latter case, the author suggests that a distinction should be made between strong opposition as a lexico-grammatical one and weak opposition without any lexico-semantic modification. The weak opposition is further divided into the trivial type (corresponding completely to the lexical equivalence constraint of aspectual correlates) and the privative type.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: P Language and Literature / nyelvészet és irodalom > PG Slavic, Baltic, Albanian languages and literature / szláv, balti, albán nyelvek és irodalom
Depositing User: xEndre xSarvay
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2018 10:36
Last Modified: 15 Jul 2018 10:36

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