Dengler, Jürgen and Wagner, Viktoria and Dembicz, Iwona and García-Mijangos, Itziar and Naqinezhad, Alireza and Bartha, Sándor and Deák, Balázs and Kelemen, András and Molnár, Zsolt and Tölgyesi, Csaba and Török, Péter and Tóthmérész, Béla and Valkó, Orsolya (2018) GrassPlot – a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands. PHYTOCOENOLOGIA, 48 (3). pp. 331-347. ISSN 0340-269X
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Additional Information: | Vegetation Ecology Group, Institute of Natural Resource Sciences (IUNR), Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Grüentalstr. 14, Postfach, Wädenswil, 8820, Switzerland Plant Ecology, Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research (BayCEER), University of Bayreuth, Universitätsstr. 30, Bayreuth, 95447, Germany German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Deutscher Platz 5e, Leipzig, 04103, Germany Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2R3, Canada Department of Plant Ecology and Environmental Conservation, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, ul. Zwirki i Wigury 101, Warsaw, 02-089, Poland Department of Plant Biology and Ecology, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, P.O. Box 644, Bilbao, 48080, Spain Department of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Mazandaran, P.O. Box 47416-95447, Babolsar, Mazandaran, Iran Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Zürcherstrasse 111, Birmensdorf, 8903, Switzerland Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna, via Irnerio 42, Bologna, 40126, Italy Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Aarhus, 8000, Denmark Department of Agricultural and Forestry Science (DAFNE), University of Tuscia, Viterbo, 01100, Italy Department STEBICEF - Botanical Unit, University of Palermo, via Archiarafi 38, Palermo, 90123, Italy Institute of Botany, Plant Science and Biodiversity Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dumbierska 1, Banská Bystrica, 974 11, Slovakia GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Department of Geography and Geosciences, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Loewenichstr. 28, Erlangen, 91054, Germany Department of Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Nemanjina 6, Belgrade-Zemun, 11080, Serbia Dipartimento di Scienze, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, Viale Marconi, 446, Roma, 00146, Italy Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchu, Tokyo, 183-8509, Japan Albert-Einstein-Str. 11a, Potsdam, 14473, Germany Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 23 Acad. Georgi Bonchev str., Sofia, 1113, Bulgaria Department of Botany and Zoology, Masaryk University, Kotlárská 2, Brno, 61137, Czech Republic Biology Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, Koroska cesta 160, Maribor, 2000, Slovenia CEN Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, University of Hamburg, Bundesstr. 55, Hamburg, 20146, Germany GLORIA co-ordination, Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Silbergasse 30/3, Vienna, 1190, Austria Institute of Ecology and Botany, MTA Centre for Ecological Research, Alkotmány u. 2., Vácrátót, 2163, Hungary Biogeography, University of Bayreuth, Universitätsstr. 30, Bayreuth, 95447, Germany Geobotany, Regional and Environmental Science, University of Trier, Behringstr. 21, Trier, 54296, Germany Grüne Schule im Botanischen Garten, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Anselm-Franz-von-Bentzel-Weg 9b, Mainz, 55128, Germany Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Staromonetny per., 29, Moscow, 119017, Russian Federation Department of Ecology and Genetics (EBC), Uppsala University, Campus Gotland, Visby, 62167, Sweden JOLUBE Consultor Botánico, C/ Mariano Rguez. De Ledesma 4-3oA, Jaca, 22700, Spain Biodiversity Team, Gestión Ambiental de Navarra, S.A., Padre Adoain 219, Bajo, Pamplona, 31015, Spain Life Sciences, University of Siena, P.A. Mattioli, 4, Siena, 53100, Italy Section for Ecology and Evolution, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, Copenhagen, 2100, Denmark Botany and Natural Protection Department, Chernivtsi National University, Fedkovich Street 11, Chernivtsy, 58022, Ukraine Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Ordenación del Territorio (INDUROT), Universidad de Oviedo, Campus de Mieres. Edificio de Investigación, Mieres, 33600, Spain Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine, UMR-CNRS. 5553, Université Grenoble Alpes, BP 53, Grenoble Cedex 9, 38041, France Crop and Forest Science, Universitat de Lleida, Rovira Roure 177, Lleida, 25110, Spain Botanical Garden, University of Wroclaw, Sienkiewicza 23, Wroclaw, 50-335, Poland Forest and Nature Lab, Ghent University, Geraardsbergsesteenweg 267, Gontrode, 9090, Belgium Department of Ecology, University of Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1, Debrecen, 4032, Hungary Geobotany and Ecology Department, M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany NAS of Ukraine, Tereschenkivska str. 2, Kyiv, 1601, Ukraine Vegetationsökologie und Naturschutzbiologie, FB 2, Universität Bremen, Leobener Str. 5, Bremen, 28359, Germany Ecology Centre Kiel, Kiel University, Olshausenstr. 40, Kiel, 24098, Germany Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Russian Academy of Science, Zolotodolinskaya 101, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation Department of Botany, University of Innsbruck, Sternwartestr. 15, Innsbruck, 6020, Austria Department of Biology, Geology, Physics and Inorganic Chemistry, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Tulipán s/n, Móstoles, 28933, Spain Navarro Villoslada 16-3odcha, Pamplona, 31003, Spain Department of Vegetation Ecology, Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, Lidická 25/27, Brno, 60200, Czech Republic Department of Biology, University of Bergen, Postbox 7803, Bergen, 5020, Norway Department of Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Granada, Campus de Cartuja s/n, Granada, 18071, Spain Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology of Plants (BEE), Biocentre Klein Flottbek and Botanical Garden, University of Hamburg, Ohnhorststr. 18, Hamburg, 22609, Germany Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Management, TEI (Technological Education Institute) of Sterea Ellada, Dimokratias 3, Karpenisi, 36100, Greece Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science, University of Bari, Via Orabona 4, Bari, 70126, Italy Departamento de Biología Vegetal II, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, 28040, Spain Institute for Ecosystem Research, Kiel University, Olshausenstr. 75, Kiel, 24118, Germany Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology, Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental and Energy Research, Sede Boqer Campus, Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Midreshet Ben Gurion, 84990, Israel UMR Chrono-environnement, Université de Franche-Comté, 16 route de Gray, Besançon, 25030, France Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (BiGeA), University of Catania, via A. Longo 19, Catania, 95125, Italy Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Lai 40, Tartu, 51005, Estonia Interdisciplinary Institute of Environmental, Social and Human Sciences, University of Flensburg, Auf dem Campus 1, Flensburg, 24943, Germany Geobotany and Botanical Garden, Institute of Biology, Martin Luther University, Am Kirchtor 1, Halle (Saale), 6108, Germany Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation, University of Potsdam, Am Mühlenberg 3, Potsdam, 14476, Germany Applied Plant Ecology, Biocentre Klein Flottbek, University of Hamburg, Ohnhorststr. 18, Hamburg, 22609, Germany Disturbance Ecology, Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research (BayCEER), University of Bayreuth, Universitätsstr. 30, Bayreuth, 95447, Germany Friesenstr. 47, Eichenau, 82223, Germany Research Unit of Biodiversity (CSIC, UO, PA), Oviedo University, Campus de Mieres, Mieres, 33600, Spain NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Columbia University, 2880 Broadway, New York, NY 10025, United States Division for Geography and Statistics, Department of Landscape Monitoring, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Holtveien 66, Tromsø, 9269, Norway Southwest Anatolia Forest Research Institute, POB 264, Antalya, 07002, Turkey Vegetation Ecology and Botany, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Landscape Architecture, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Oldenburger Landstr. 24, Osnabrück, 49090, Germany Institute for Sustainable Agro-ecosystem Services, University of Tokyo, 1-1-1, Midori-cho, Nishi-Tokyo, Tokyo, 188-0002, Japan Field Studies Institute for Environmental Education, Tokyo Gakugei University, 4-1-1 Koganei, Tokyo, 184-8501, Japan Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Trondheim, 7485, Norway Department of Sciences of Nature and Territory, University of Sassari, Via Piandanna, Sassari, 07100, Italy Zum Schwärzesee 27, Eberswalde, 16227, Germany Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Branišovská 31, Ceske Budejovice, 370 05, Czech Republic Landscape Ecology and Environmental Systems Analysis, Institute of Geoecology, Langer Kamp 19c, Braunschweig, 38106, Germany Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Graz, Holteigasse 6, Graz, 8010, Austria Department of Botany, University of Wroclaw, ul. Kanonia 6/8, Wroclaw, 50-328, Poland Anastasie Fatu Botanical Garden, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University from Iaşi, Dumbrava Roşie 7-9, Iaşi, 700487, Romania Biodiversity Synthesis Research Group, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Deutscher Platz 5e, Leipzig, 04103, Germany NTNU Sustainability, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, 7491, Norway Department of Botany, Kherson State University, ul. Universytetska 27, Kherson, 73000, Ukraine Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, 3-11 Tsrurukabuto, Kobe, 657-8501, Japan Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research, University of Vienna, Rennweg 14, Vienna, 1030, Austria Ecological Sciences, The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, AB15 8QH, United Kingdom Vegetation and Phytodiversity Analysis, Georg-August University of Göttingen, Untere Karspüle 2, Göttingen, 37073, Germany Department of Biology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3280, United States Department of Forest Biodiversity, Faculty of Forestry, University of Agriculture in Kraków, al. 29 Listopada 46, Kraków, 31-425, Poland Department of Botany, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 54124, Greece Department of Biology, Lund University, Ecology Building, Lund, 22362, Sweden Botany Department, Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz, Am Museum 1, Görlitz, 2826, Germany Institute of Geology, Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn, 19086, Estonia Institute of Environmental Sciences, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Avenida Carlos III, s/n, Toledo, 45071, Spain Dept of Zoology and Ecology, Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody Sq, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine School of Agricultural, Forest, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Basilicata, Via Ateneo Lucano 10, Potenza, 85100, Italy Department of Ecology and Genetics (EBC), Uppsala University, Norbyvägen 18 D, Uppsala, 75236, Sweden Hungarian Department of Biology and Ecology, Babes-Bolyai University, Republici str. 42, Cluj-Napoca, 400015, Romania Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Latvia, 1 Jelgavas Street, Riga, 1004, Latvia Institute for Botany and Botanical Garden 'Jevremovac', Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Takovska 43, Belgrade, 11000, Serbia NABU Hamburg, Am Stadtbad 45, Dannenberg, 29451, Germany Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology, University of Lódz, Banacha 12/16, Lódz, 90- 237, Poland Schleswig-Holstein Agency for Coastal Defence, National Park and Marine Conservation, National Park Authority, Schlossgarten 1, Tönning, 25832, Germany Plant Ecology and Ecosystem Research, Georg-August University of Göttingen, Untere Karspüle 2, Göttingen, 37073, Germany Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Sölvegatan 12, Lund, 22362, Sweden Romanian Ornithological Society, Gh. Dima street 49, Cluj-Napoca, 400342, Romania School of Biology and Center of Excellence in Phylogeny of Living Organisms, College of Science, University of Tehran, Enghelab, Tehran, 14155-6455, Iran Faculty of Biology, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Carol I 20A, Iaşi, 700505, Romania Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources (IBBR), Italian National Council of Research (CNR), Via Amendola 165/A, Bari, 70126, Italy Department of Ecology, University of Szeged, Közép fasor 52, Szeged, 6726, Hungary MTA-DE Lendület Functional and Restoration Ecology Research Group, Egyetem tér 1, Debrecen, 4032, Hungary Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Sofia University 'St. Kliment Ohridski', 8 Dragan Tzankov Blvd., Sofia, 1164, Bulgaria Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Studies, University of Groningen, Linnaeusborg, Nijenborgh 7 Building U, Groningen, 9747 AG, Netherlands Khmelnytskyi Institute of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Prospect Myru Str., 101A, Khmelnytskyi, 29015, Ukraine Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Jaca, 22700, Spain Ecology and Genetics, University of Oulu, P.O Box 3000, Oulu, 90014, Finland Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Botany, University of Zagreb, Svetošimunska cesta 25, Zagreb, 10000, Croatia School of Biology and Environmental Science, Earth Institute, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland Department of Forest Botany, Faculty of Forestry, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Nowoursynowska 159, Warsaw, 02-776, Poland Key Laboratory of Vegetation Restoration and Management of Degraded Ecosystems, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xingke Road 723, Guangzhou, 510650, China Department of Life Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Negev, 84105, Israel Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre RAS, Pushkinskaya 11, Petrozavodsk, 185910, Russian Federation Export Date: 4 January 2019 Correspondence Address: Dengler, J.; Vegetation Ecology Group, Institute of Natural Resource Sciences (IUNR), Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Grüentalstr. 14, Switzerland; email: |
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Date Deposited: | 28 Jan 2019 14:52 |
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