A vital people: A necessity for a good economy

Phelps, Edmund E. (2019) A vital people: A necessity for a good economy. Acta Oeconomica, 69 (s1). pp. 241-248. ISSN 0001-6373


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Economics at its core is about human life in human economies. The difficulty is that economies have continued to evolve and economics has lagged behind. Modern life invaded societies in the 19th century: first in Britain and America, later in Germany and France. Increasing numbers were driven not just by a work ethic or a desire to accumulate: They were dreamers, tinkerers, and adventurers on a journey, exercising their imagination, creativity, and curiosity. This indigenous innovation, coming from the grassroots up, was the foundation of modern life which brought people satisfactions that went beyond material rewards. It is time economics has caught up to restore the dynamism and vitality necessary for people to enjoy not only a Good Life but also a Good Economy.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: H Social Sciences / társadalomtudományok > H Social Sciences (General) / társadalomtudomány általában
Depositing User: Eszter Bálint
Date Deposited: 29 Jan 2019 07:36
Last Modified: 31 Jan 2021 00:18

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