Items where Author is "Bogner, Péter"

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Number of items: 35.


Botz, Bálint and Tóth, András and Bogner, Péter (2024) A képi diagnosztikai adatmennyiség, esetszám, valamint a diagnosztikus munkaterhelés emelkedése egy magyar klinikai centrumban = Increase in the radiology imaging case volume and workload in a Hungarian university clinical center. ORVOSI HETILAP, 165 (48). pp. 1894-1903. ISSN 0030-6002

Csonka, Dávid Ciprián and Szukits, Sándor and Bogner, Péter and Koller, Ákos and Wittmann, István and Háber, István and Horváth, Iván (2023) A vérnyomás hatása a veseartéria áramlástani jellemzőire egészséges és fél vese esetén = Effect of blood pressure on the flow characteristics of the renal artery in the case of healthy and single kidney condition. HYPERTONIA ÉS NEPHROLOGIA, 27 (1). pp. 7-12. ISSN 1418-477X

Környei, Bálint S. and Szabó, Viktor and Perlaki, Gábor and Balogh, Bendegúz and Szabó Steigerwald, Dorottya K. and Nagy, Szilvia A. and Tóth, Luca and Büki, András and Dóczi, Tamás and Bogner, Péter and Schwarcz, Attila and Tóth, Arnold (2021) Cerebral Microbleeds May Be Less Detectable by Susceptibility Weighted Imaging MRI From 24 to 72 Hours After Traumatic Brain Injury. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE, 15. No. 711074. ISSN 1662-453X

Környei, Bálint and Szabó, Viktor and Perlaki, Gábor and Balogh, Bendegúz and Szabó, Dorottya and Nagy, Szilvia and Tóth, Luca and Büki, András and Dóczi, Tamás and Bogner, Péter and Schwarcz, Attila and Tóth, Arnold (2021) Cerebral microbleeds may be less detectable by susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) MRI from 24h to 72h after traumatic brain injury. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE. ISSN 1662-4548 (In Press)

Giyab, Omar and Balogh, Bendegúz and Bogner, Péter and Gergely, Orsi and Tóth, Arnold (2021) Microbleeds show a characteristic distribution in cerebral fat embolism. INSIGHTS INTO IMAGING, 12 (1). ISSN 1869-4101

Váczi, Márk and Nagy, Szilvia Anett and Kőszegi, Tamás and Misovics, Bernadette and Szabó, Edina and Müller, Éva and Perlaki, Gábor and Orsi, Gergely and Pál, József and Bogner, Péter and Illes, Zsolt (2021) Muscle damage in response to a single bout of high intensity concentric exercise in patients with Pompe disease. ANNALS OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, 9 (5). No. 389. ISSN 23055839

Bogner, Péter and Chadaide, Zoltán and Lenzsér, Gábor and Kondákor, István and Tárkányi, Gábor and Szukits, Sándor and Sebestyén, Andor and Janszky, József Vladimír and Büki, András and Dóczi, Tamás Péter and Szapáry, László (2021) Stroke-ellátást támogató teleradiológiai hálózat a Nyugat- és Dél-Dunántúlon = Teleradiology-based stroke network in Western and Southern Transdanubia in Hungary. ORVOSI HETILAP, 162 (17). pp. 668-675. ISSN 0030-6002

Harmouche, Ahmed and Kövér, Ferenc and Szukits, Sándor and Dóczi, Tamás and Bogner, Péter and Tóth, Arnold (2021) XReport: An online structured reporting platform for radiologists. SOFTWAREX. pp. 1-12. ISSN 2352-7110 (Submitted)

Molnár, Krisztián and Kálmán, Endre and Hári, Zsófia and Giyab, Omar and Gáspár, Tamás and Rucz, Károly and Bogner, Péter and Tóth, Arnold (2020) False-Positive Malignant Diagnosis of Nodule Mimicking Lesions by Computer-Aided Thyroid Nodule Analysis in Clinical Ultrasonography Practice. Diagnostics, 10 (6). p. 378. ISSN 2075-4418

Tóth, Arnold and Berente, Zoltán and Bogner, Péter and Környei, Bálint and Balogh, Bendegúz and Czeiter, Endre and Amrein, Krisztina and Dóczi, Tamás and Büki, András and Schwarcz, Attila (2019) Cerebral Microbleeds Temporarily Become Less Visible or Invisible in Acute Susceptibility Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Rat Study. JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA. ISSN 0897-7151

Tóth, Arnold and Környei, Bálint and Kovács, Noémi and Rostás, Tamás and Buki, András and Dóczi, Tamás and Bogner, Péter and Schwarcz, Attila (2018) Both hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic traumatic MRI lesions are associated with the microstructural damage of the normal appearing white matter. BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 340. pp. 106-116. ISSN 0166-4328

Perlaki, Gábor and Horváth, Réka and Nagy, Szilvia Anett and Bogner, Péter and Dóczi, Tamás and Janszky, József Vladimír and Orsi, Gergely (2017) Comparison of accuracy between FSL’s FIRST and Freesurfer for caudate nucleus and putamen segmentation. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. ISSN 2045-2322

Perlaki, Gábor and Horváth, Réka and Nagy, Szilvia Anett and Bogner, Péter and Dóczi, Tamás Péter and Janszky, József Vladimír and Orsi, Gergely (2017) Comparison of accuracy between FSL’s FIRST and Freesurfer for caudate nucleus and putamen segmentation. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7. p. 2418. ISSN 2045-2322

Tóth, Arnold and Kátai, Emese and Kálmán, Endre and Bogner, Péter and Schwarcz, Attila and Dóczi, Tamás and Sík, Attila and Pál, József (2016) In vivo detection of hyperacute neuronal compaction and recovery by MRI following electric trauma in rats. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 44 (4). pp. 814-22. ISSN 1522-2586

Horváth, Andrea and Perlaki, Gábor and Tóth, Arnold and Orsi, Gergely and Nagy, Szilvia and Dóczi, Tamás and Horváth, Zsolt and Bogner, Péter (2016) Biexponential diffusion alterations in the normal-appearing white matter of glioma patients might indicate the presence of global vasogenic edema. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 44 (3). pp. 633-41. ISSN 1522-2586

Tóth, Arnold and Kovács, Noémi and Tamás, Viktoria and Kornyei, Balint and Nagy, Máté and Horváth, Andrea and Rostás, Tamás and Bogner, Péter and Janszky, József Vladimír and Dóczi, Tamás and Büki, András and Schwarcz, Attila (2016) Microbleeds may expand acutely after traumatic brain injury. Neuroscience letters, 617. pp. 207-212. ISSN 1872-7972

Horváth, Andrea and Perlaki, Gábor and Tóth, Arnold and Orsi, Gergely and Nagy, Szilvia and Dóczi, Tamás and Horváth, Zsolt and Bogner, Péter (2016) Increased diffusion in the normal appearing white matter of brain tumor patients: is this just tumor infiltration? Journal of neuro-oncology, 127 (1). pp. 83-90. ISSN 1573-7373

Aschermann, Zsuzsanna and Perlaki, Gábor and Orsi, Gergely and Nagy, Szilvia Anett and Horváth, Andrea and Bóné, Beáta and Bihari, Katalin and Ács, Péter and Janszky, József and Komoly, Sámuel and Bogner, Péter (2015) Quantitative assessment of brain iron by R2* relaxometry in patients with cervical dystonia. Movement Disorders, 30 (10). pp. 1422-1426. ISSN 1531-8257 (online)

Tóth, Arnold and Lovadi, E. and Komoly, Sámuel and Schwarcz, Attila and Orsi, Gergely and Perlaki, Gábor and Bogner, Péter and Sebők, Ágnes and Kovács, Norbert and Pál, Endre and Janszky, József Vladimír (2015) Cortical involvement during myotonia in myotonic dystrophy: an fMRI study. ACTA NEUROLOGICA SCANDINAVICA, 132 (1). pp. 65-72. ISSN 0001-6314

Orsi, Gergely and Aradi, Mihály and Nagy, Szilvia Anett and Perlaki, Gábor and Trauninger, Anita and Bogner, Péter and Janszky, József and Illés, Zsolt and Dóczi, Tamás and Pfund, Zoltán and Schwarcz, Attila (2015) Differentiating white matter lesions in multiple sclerosis and migraine using monoexponential and biexponential diffusion measurements. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 41. pp. 676-683. ISSN 1522-2586

Altbäcker, Anna and Plózer, Enikő and Darnai, Gergely and Perlaki, Gábor and Horváth, Réka and Kovács, Norbert and Orsi, Gergely and Nagy, Szilvia Anett and Bogner, Péter and Schwarcz, Attila and Komoly, Sámuel and Clemens, Zsófia and Janszky, József (2015) Problematic Internet use is associated with structural alterations in the brain reward system in females. Brain Imaging and Behavior. pp. 1-7. ISSN 1931-7557

Szuper, Kinga and Rosta, Boglárka and Than, Péter and Bogner, Péter and Hetényi, Szabolcs and Vermes, Csaba (2015) Térdízületi MR vizsgálat ortopédiai diagnosztikai megbízhatósága = Reliability of MR scanning in orthopaedic diagnostics. Magyar Traumatológia Ortopédia Kézsebészet Plasztikai Sebészet, 58 (2-3). pp. 123-128. ISSN 1217-3231

Aschermann, Zsuzsanna and Nagy, F. and Perlaki, Gábor and Janszky, József Vladimír and Schwarcz, Attila and Kovács, Norbert and Bogner, Péter and Komoly, Sámuel and Orsi, Gergely (2015) ‘Wind-up’ in Parkinson's disease: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAIN. ISSN 1090-3801

Váczi, Márk and Nagy, Szilvia A. and Kőszegi, Tamás and Ambrus, Míra and Bogner, Péter and Perlaki, Gábor and Orsi, Gergely and Tóth, Katalin and Hortobágyi, Tibor (2014) Mechanical, hormonal, and hypertrophic adaptations to 10 weeks of eccentric and stretch-shortening cycle exercise training in old males. Experimental gerontology, 58. pp. 69-77. ISSN 1873-6815

Steier, Roy and Aradi, Mihály and Pál, József and Perlaki, Gábor and Orsi, Gergely and Bogner, Péter and Galyas, Ferenc and Bukovics, Peter and Janszky, József and Dóczi, Tamás and Schwarcz, Attila (2012) A bioxponential DWI study in rat brain intracellular oedema. European Journal of Radiology, 81 (8). pp. 1758-1765. ISSN 0720-048X

Cselik, Zsolt and Aradi, Mihály and von Jako, Ronald A. and Lelovics, Zsuzsanna and Juhász, Ivett and Egyházi, Zsolt and Bogner, Péter and Repa, Imre and Schwarcz, Attila (2012) Impact of infrared laser light-induced ablation at different wavelengths on bovine intervertebral disc ex vivo: Evaluation with magnetic resonance imaging and histology. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 44 (5). pp. 406-412. ISSN 1096-9101

Cselik, Zsolt and von Jako, Ronald A. and Aradi, Mihály and Lelovics, Zsuzsanna and Egyházi, Zsolt and Juhász, Ivett and Schwarcz, Attila and Bogner, Péter and Repa, Imre (2012) A képi vezérelt és kontrollált perkután lézeres dekompresszió hatásának vizsgálata keresztmetszeti képalkotó és patológiai módszerekkel ex vivo kísérletben. Egészség Akadémia, 3 (2). pp. 154-167. ISSN 2063-8140

Steier, Roy and Aradi, Mihály and Pál, József and Perlaki, Gábor and Orsi, Gergely and Bogner, Péter and Gallyas, Ferenc and Bukovics, Péter and Janszky, József and Dóczi, Tamás and Schwarcz, Attila (2011) A biexponential DWI study in rat brain intracellular oedema. European Journal of Radiology.

Bajzik, Gábor and Auer, Tibor and Bogner, Péter and Aradi, Mihály and Kotek, Gyula and Repa, Imre and Dóczi, Tamás and Schwarcz, Attila (2008) Quantitative brain proton MR spectroscopy based on measurement of the relaxation time T1 of water. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging , 28 (1). pp. 34-38. ISSN ESSN 1522-2586

Bogner, Péter and Tóth, Levente and Simor, Tamás and Gulyás, József and Lukács, Gábor and Papp, Lajos and Repa, Imre (2008) Pacemaker az MR-ben: abszolút kontraindikáció? = Pacemaker in MR: absolute contraindication? Orvosi Hetilap, 149 (10). pp. 435-440. ISSN 0030-6002

Horváth, László and Bogner, Péter and Nagy, Gyöngyi and Bajzik, Gábor and Vandulek, Csaba and Repa, Imre (2007) Az MR-urográfia technikai aspektusai két eset kapcsán. Magyar Radiológia, 81 (5-6). pp. 196-203. ISSN 0025-0287


Bereczkei, Tamás and Bogner, Péter and Deák, Anita and Hargitai, Rita and Kiss, Szabolcs and Lábadi, Beatrix and Nagy, László (2012) A proszociális viselkedés multidiszciplináris megközelítése: fiziológiai, kognitív, és affektív mechanizmusok = A multidisciplinary approach to prosocial behavior: physiologycal, cognitive, and affective mechanisms. Project Report. OTKA.

M.Tóth, Tivadar and Bogner, Péter and Földes, Tamás and Schubert, Félix and Szanyi, János and Takács, Ernő and Vásárhelyi, Balázs (2011) REPEDEZETT, METAMORF KŐZETTESTEK KOMPLEX VIZSGÁLATA A TISZAI EGYSÉG ALJZATÁBAN = Complex evaluation of the fractured metamorphic basement of the Tisza Unit. Project Report. OTKA.

Sulyok, Endre and Bódis, József and Bogner, Péter and Ertl, Tibor and Nyul, Zoltán and Tóth, Gergely (2007) A szöveti hidráció szabályozásának experimentális vizsgálata - különös tekintettel a perinatális időszakra = Experimental studies on the regulation of tissue hydratation with particular reference to the perinatal period. Project Report. OTKA.

Conference or Workshop Item

Cselik, Zsolt and Jako, Ronald A. and Aradi, Mihály and Juhász, Ivett and Egyházi, Zsolt and Lelovics, Zsuzsanna and Schwarcz, Attila and Bogner, Péter and Repa, Imre (2013) Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of tissue damage of the nucleus pulposus after diode laser treatment in ex-vivo bovine spines. In: Annual World Congress of Society for Brain Mapping & Therapeutics , 2013.05.12 - 2013.05.14., Baltimore, USA.

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