Items where Author is "Csáji, Balázs Csanád"
Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 34. ArticleCsáji, Balázs Csanád and Kis, Krisztián Balázs (2019) Distribution-Free Uncertainty Quantification for Kernel Methods. Machine Learning, 108 (8-9). pp. 1677-1699. Csáji, Balázs Csanád (2019) Szimmetria és konfidencia. ALKALMAZOTT MATEMATIKAI LAPOK, 36 (2). pp. 271-278. ISSN 0133-3399 Carè, Algo and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Campi, Marco and Weyer, Erik (2018) Finite-Sample System Identification: An Overview and a New Correlation Method. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2 (1). pp. 61-66. ISSN 2475-1456 Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Kemény, Zsolt and Pedone, Gianfranco and Kuti, András and Váncza, József (2017) Wireless Multi-Sensor Networks for Smart Cities: A Prototype System with Statistical Data Analysis. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 17 (23). pp. 7667-7676. ISSN 1530-437X Weyer, Erik and Campi, Marco and Csáji, Balázs Csanád (2017) Asymptotic Properties of SPS Confidence Regions. Automatica, 85. pp. 287-294. ISSN 0005-1098 Kovács, András and Bátai, Roland and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Dudás, Péter and Háy, Borbála and Pedone, Gianfranco and Révész, Tibor and Váncza, József (2016) Intelligent Control for Energy-Positive Street Lighting. ENERGY, 114. pp. 40-51. ISSN 0360-5442 Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Kovács, András and Váncza, József (2016) Online Learning for Aggregating Forecasts in Renewable Energy Systems. ERCIM NEWS. pp. 40-41. ISSN 0926-4981 Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Campi, Marco and Weyer, Erik (2015) Sign-Perturbed Sums : A New System Identification Approach for Constructing Exact Non-Asymptotic Confidence Regions in Linear Regression Models. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 63 (1). pp. 169-181. Monostori, László and Valckenaers, Paul and Dolgui, Alexandre and Panetto, Hervé and Brdys, Mietek and Csáji, Balázs Csanád (2015) Cooperative control in production and logistics. ANNUAL REVIEWS IN CONTROL, 39. pp. 12-29. ISSN 1367-5788 Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Campi, Marco and Weyer, Erik (2015) Sign-perturbed sums: A new system identification approach for constructing exact non-asymptotic confidence regions in linear regression models. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, 63 (1). pp. 169-181. ISSN 1053-587X Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Háy, Borbála and Kovács, András and Pedone, Gianfranco and Révész, Tibor and Váncza, József (2014) Monitoring and Controlling Energy-positive Public Lighting: the E+grid System. ERCIM News (Journal of the European Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics), 98. pp. 36-37. Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Jungers, Raphaël and Blondel, Vincent (2014) PageRank Optimization by Edge Selection. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 169. pp. 73-87. Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Browet, Arnaud and Traag, Vincent and Delvenne, Jean-Charles and Huens, Etienne and Dooren, Paul Van and Smoreda, Zbigniew and Blondel, Vincent (2013) Exploring the Mobility of Mobile Phone Users. PHYSICA A - STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 392 (6). pp. 1459-1473. ISSN 0378-4371 Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Rédei, Miklós (2011) A racionális demokratikus véleményösszegzés korlátairól. MAGYAR FILOZÓFIAI SZEMLE, 55 (2). pp. 97-121. ISSN 0025-0090 Book SectionCaré, Algo and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Gerencsér, Balázs and Gerencsér, László and Rásonyi, Miklós (2019) Parameter-Dependent Poisson Equations : Tools for Stochastic Approximation in a Markovian Framework. In: 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control . IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), pp. 2259-2264. ISBN 9781728113982 MonographMonostori, László and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Egri, Péter and Kádár, Botond and Kemény, Zsolt and Pfeiffer, András and Váncza, József and Viharos, Zsolt János (2011) Termelési struktúrák, mint komplex, adaptív rendszerek = Production structures as Complex Adaptive Systems. Project Report. OTKA. Monostori, László and Aradi, Petra and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Erdos, Gábor and Kádár, Botond and Kemény, Zsolt and Lipovszki, György and Pfeiffer, András and Viharos, Zsolt János (2008) Elosztott, moduláris termelési struktúrák modellezése, tervezése és irányítása = Modelling, planning and control of distributed, modular production structures. Project Report. OTKA. Conference or Workshop ItemGerencsér, László and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Sabanis, Sotirios (2018) Asymptotic Analysis of the LMS Algorithm with Momentum. In: 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 17-19, 2018, Miami Beach, Florida. Carè, Algo and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Campi, Marco and Weyer, Erik (2018) Old and New Challenges in Finite-Sample System Identification. In: 20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry, June 18-22, 2018, Budapest, Hungary. Csáji, Balázs Csanád (2018) Regularization in Finite-Sample System Identification. In: 20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry, June 18-22, 2018, Budapest, Hungary. Kolumbán, Sándor and Csáji, Balázs Csanád (2018) Towards D-Optimal Input Design for Finite-Sample System Identification. In: 18th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, July 9-11, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. Csáji, Balázs Csanád (2017) Bizonytalan konvex programok Monte Carlo közelítéseinek megbízhatóságáról. In: XXXII. Magyar Operációkutatás Konferencia, 2017. június 14-16., Cegléd. Csáji, Balázs Csanád (2017) Hálózati fontosság növelése: PageRank optimalizálás mint Markov döntési probléma. In: XXXII. Magyar Operációkutatás Konferencia, 2017. június 14-16., Cegléd. Carè, Algo and Campi, Marco and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Weyer, Erik (2017) Undermodelling Detection with Sign-Perturbed Sums. In: 20th IFAC World Congress, July 9-14, 2017, Toulouse, France. Carè, Algo and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Campi, Marco (2016) Sign-Perturbed Sums (SPS) with Asymmetric Noise: Robustness Analysis and Robustification Techniques. In: 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 12-14, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada. Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Weyer, Erik (2015) Closed-Loop Applicability of the Sign-Perturbed Sums Method. In: 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 15-18, 2015, Osaka, Japan. Csáji, Balázs Csanád (2015) Nem-aszimptotikus konfidencia-halmazok GARCH folyamatok QML becsléseihez. In: XXXI. Magyar Operációkutatási Konferencia, June 10-12., 2015, Cegléd, Hungary. Volpe, Valerio and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Carè, Algo and Weyer, Erik and Campi, Marco (2015) Sign-Perturbed Sums (SPS) with Instrumental Variables for the Identification of ARX Systems. In: 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 15-18, 2015, Osaka, Japan. Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Campi, Marco and Weyer, Erik (2014) Strong Consistency of the Sign-Perturbed Sums Method. In: 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 15-17, 2014, Los Angeles, California. Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Kovács, András and Váncza, József (2014) Adaptive Aggregated Predictions for Renewable Energy Systems. In: IEEE Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning (ADPRL); part of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), December 9-12, 2014, Orlando, Florida. Monostori, László and Valckenaers, Paul and Dolgui, Alexandre and Panetto, Hervé and Brdys, Mietek and Csáji, Balázs Csanád (2014) Cooperative Control in Production and Logistics. In: 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), August, 24-29, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa. Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Kovács, András and Váncza, József (2014) Prediction and Robust Control of Energy Flow in Renewable Energy Systems. In: 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), August, 24-29, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa. Weyer, Erik and Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Campi, Marco (2013) Guaranteed Non-Asymptotic Confidence Ellipsoids for FIR Systems. In: 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 10-13, 2013, Florence, Italy. Csáji, Balázs Csanád and Campi, Marco and Weyer, Erik (2012) Sign-Perturbed Sums (SPS) : A Method for Constructing Exact Finite-Sample Confidence Regions for General Linear Systems. In: 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 10-13, 2012, Maui, Hawaii. |