Items where Author is "Felföldi, Tamás"
Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 48. ArticleNémeth, Brigitta and Lőrincz, László and Felföldi, Tamás (2024) The gender pay gap among young academics : the role of precarious employment, childbearing and horizontal segregation. LEARNING AND TEACHING: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES, 17 (3). pp. 81-111. ISSN 1755-2273 Korponai, Kristóf and Szuróczki, Sára and Marton, Zsuzsanna and Szabó, Attila and Morais, Paula V. and Neves Proenca, Diogo and Tóth, Erika and Boros, Emil and Márialigeti, Károly and Felföldi, Tamás (2023) Habitat distribution of the genus Belliella in continental waters and the description of Belliella alkalica sp. nov., Belliella calami sp. nov. and Belliella filtrata sp. nov. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY. ISSN 1466-5026 Greipel, Erika and Kutasi, József and Solymosi, Katalin and Nagy, Hajnalka and Felföldi, Tamás (2023) Hidden diversity of Chlorococcum (Chlorophyta) in a shallow temporary freshwater lake: description of Chlorococcum szentendrense sp. nov. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY, 58 (1). pp. 110-120. ISSN 0967-0262 Felföldi, Tamás and Nagymáté, Zsuzsanna and Székely, Anna J. and Jurecska, Laura and Márialigeti, Károly (2020) Biological treatment of coke plant effluents: from a microbiological perspective. Biologia Futura, 71 (4). pp. 359-370. ISSN 2676-8615 (print), 2676-8607 (online) Riba, Milán and Kiss-Szikszai, Attila and Gonda, Sándor and Parizsa, Péter and Deák, Balázs and Török, Péter and Valkó, Orsolya and Felföldi, Tamás and Vasas, Gábor (2020) Chemotyping of terrestrial Nostoc-like isolates from alkali grassland areas by non-targeted peptide analysis. ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS, 46. No.-101798. ISSN 2211-9264 Nagy, Hajnalka and Dózsa-Farkas, Klára and Hong, Yong and Felföldi, Tamás (2020) Extending the geographic distribution of Bryodrilus ehlersi (Annelida, Enchytraeidae): morphological and molecular comparison of Korean and European specimens. ACTA ZOOLOGICA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE, 66 (4). pp. 345-360. ISSN 1217-8837 Felföldi, Tamás (2020) Microbial communities of soda lakes and pans in the Carpathian Basin: a review. Biologia Futura, 71 (4). pp. 493-404. ISSN 2676-8615 (print), 2676-8607 (online) Somogyi, Boglárka and Felföldi, Tamás and Tóth, László G. and Bernát, Gábor and Vörös, Lajos (2020) Photoautotrophic picoplankton – a review on their occurrence, role and diversity in Lake Balaton. Biologia Futura, 71 (4). pp. 371-382. ISSN 2676-8615 (print), 2676-8607 (online) Makk, Judit and Enyedi, Nóra and M Tóth, Erika and Anda, Dóra and Szabó, Attila and Felföldi, Tamás and Mádlné Szőnyi, Judit and Kériné Borsodi, Andrea (2019) Deinococcus fonticola sp. nov., isolated from a radioactive thermal spring in Hungary. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC BACTERIOLOGY, 69 (6). pp. 1724-1730. ISSN 0020-7713 Korponai, Kristóf and Szabó, Attila and Somogyi, Boglárka and Boros, Emil and K. Borsodi, Andrea and Jurecska, Laura and Vörös, Lajos and Felföldi, Tamás (2019) Dual bloom of green algae and purple bacteria in an extremely shallow soda pan. EXTREMOPHILES : LIFE UNDER EXTREME CONDITIONS, 23 (4). pp. 467-477. ISSN 1431-0651 (print); 1433-4909 (online) Felföldi, Tamás and Márton, Zsuzsanna and Szabó, Attila and Mentes, Anikó and Bóka, Károly and Márialigeti, Károly and Máthé, István and Koncz, Mihály and M Tóth, Erika (2019) Siculibacillus lacustris gen. nov., sp. nov., a new rosette-forming bacterium isolated from a freshwater crater lake (Lake St. Ana, Romania). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY, 69 (6). pp. 1731-1736. ISSN 1466-5026 Mentes, Anikó and Szabó, Attila and Somogyi, Boglárka and Vajna, Balázs and Tugyi, Nóra and Csitári, Bianka and Vörös, Lajos and Felföldi, Tamás (2018) Differences in planktonic microbial communities associated with three types of macrophyte stands in a shallow lake. FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY, 94 (2). ISSN 0168-6496 Dózsa-Farkas, Klára and Felföldi, Tamás (2018) The enchytraeid fauna (Enchytraeidae, Clitellata) of the Rax Mountain (Austria) with description of two new species and comparison of Fridericia Discifera Healy, 1975 and F. Alpica SP. N. ACTA ZOOLOGICA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE, 64 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1217-8837 Márton, Zsuzsanna and Szabó, Attila and Boros, Emil and Vörös, Lajos and Felföldi, Tamás (2017) Az észak-kazahsztáni sós tavak ismeretlen prokarióta közösségei = Unknow prokaryotic communities of saline lakes in North Kazakhstan. HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY, 97 (ksz.). pp. 15-20. ISSN 0018-1323 K. Borsodi, Andrea and Korponai, Kristóf and Schumann, Peter and Spröer, Cathrin and Felföldi, Tamás and Márialigeti, Károly and Szili-Kovács, Tibor and Tóth, Erika M. (2017) Nitrincola alkalilacustris sp. nov. and Nitrincola schmidtii sp. nov., alkaliphilic bacteria isolated from soda pans, and emended description of the genus Nitrincola. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY, 67. pp. 5159-5164. ISSN 1466-5026 Dózsa-Farkas, Klára and Felföldi, Tamás (2017) On the enchytraeid fauna of Kőszeg Mountains with description of a new Fridericia species (Clitellata, Enchytraeidae). OPUSCULA ZOOLOGICA (BUDAPEST), 48 (1). pp. 41-54. ISSN 0237-5419 Szuróczki, Sára and Korponai, Kristóf and Sári, Eszter and Tugyi, Nóra and Felföldi, Tamás and Somogyi, Boglárka (2017) Planktonikus baktériumközösségek vizsgálata a Fertő vizében (nyílt víz, belső tó, nádas). HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY, 97 (Ksz.). pp. 40-47. ISSN 0018-1323 Szabó, Attila and Korponai, Kristóf and Kerepesi, Csaba and Somogyi, Boglárka and Vörös, Lajos and Bartha, Dániel and Márialigeti, Károly and Felföldi, Tamás (2017) Soda pans of the Pannonian steppe harbor unique bacterial communities adapted to multiple extreme conditions. EXTREMOPHILES : LIFE UNDER EXTREME CONDITIONS, 21 (3). pp. 639-649. ISSN 1431-0651 Selvarajan, Ramganesh and Felföldi, Tamás and Sanniyasi, Elumalai and Tekere, Memory (2016) Assessing the Potential of Some Freshwater and Saline Microalgae as Biodiesel Feedstock. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 10 (1). pp. 50-62. ISSN 1556-6560 Kériné Borsodi, Andrea and Szabó, Attila and Krett, Gergely and Felföldi, Tamás and Specziár, András and Boros, Gergely (2016) Gut content microbiota of introduced bigheaded carps (Hypophthalmichthys spp.) inhabiting the largest shallow lake in Central Europe. MICROBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 195. pp. 40-50. ISSN 0944-5013 Felföldi, Tamás and Mentes, Anikó and Schumann, Peter and Kéki, Zsuzsa and Máthé, István and Márialigeti, Károly and Tóth, Erika (2016) Rufibacter quisquiliarum sp. nov., a new member of the phylum Bacteroidetes isolated from a bioreactor treating landfill leachate. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. ISSN 1466-5026 (In Press) Tugyi, Nóra and Vörös, Lajos and Boros, Emil and Felföldi, Tamás and Márialigeti, Károly and Somogyi, Boglárka (2016) Szélsőséges környezeti paraméterek formálta mikrobiális közösség egy helioterm tóban (Medve-tó, Szováta) = Microbial communities under extreme environmental conditions in a heliotherm lake (Lake Ursu, Sovata). HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY, 96 (Klsz.). pp. 96-102. ISSN 0018-1323 Felföldi, Tamás and Ramganesh, Selvarajan and Somogyi, Boglárka and Krett, Gergely and Jurecska, Laura and Szabó, Attila and Vörös, Lajos and Márialigeti, Károly and Máthé, István (2016) Winter planktonic microbial communities in highland aquatic habitats. GEOMICROBIOLOGY JOURNAL, 33 (6). pp. 494-504. ISSN 0149-0451 Dózsa-Farkas, Klára and Felföldi, Tamás (2016) A new Fridericia species (Clitellata, Enchytraeidae) and the enchytraeid fauna of the Őrség National Park (Hungary). OPUSCULA ZOOLOGICA (BUDAPEST), 47 (1). pp. 65-72. ISSN 0237-5419 Somogyi, Boglárka and Felföldi, Tamás and V.-Balogh, Katalin and Boros, Emil and Pálffy, Károly and Vörös, Lajos (2016) The role and composition of winter picoeukaryotic assemblages in shallow Central European great lakes. JOURNAL OF GREAT LAKES RESEARCH, 42 (6). pp. 1420-1431. ISSN 0380-1330 Korponai, Kristóf and Somogyi, Boglárka and Szabó, Attila and Boros, Emil and Vörös, Lajos and Felföldi, Tamás (2015) Bíborbaktérium-közösség összetételének megismerése újgenerációs DNS-szekvenálási és tenyésztéses technikák kombinálásával = Determination of purple bacterium community composition combining next-generation DNA sequencing and cultivation techniques. HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY, 95 (5-6). pp. 29-31. ISSN 0018-1323 Szabó, Attila and Korponai, Kristóf and Somogyi, Boglárka and Vörös, Lajos and Jurecska, Laura and Márialigeti, Károly and Felföldi, Tamás (2015) Egy asztatikus szikes-tó planktonikus mikrobaközösségének taxonómiai és funkcionális genomikai analízise = Taxonomic and functional genomic analysis of the planktonic microbial community inhabiting an astatic soda pond. HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY, 95 (5-6). pp. 73-76. ISSN 0018-1323 Nagy, Balázs József and Szabó, Attila and Somogyi, Boglárka and Vörös, Lajos and Márialigeti, Károly and Máthé, István and Felföldi, Tamás (2015) Heliotermikus sós tavak planktonikus mikrobaközösségei = Planktonic microbial communities of heliothermal saline lakes. HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY, 95 (5-6). pp. 59-63. ISSN 0018-1323 Tugyi, Nóra and Vörös, Lajos and Boros, Emil and Felföldi, Tamás and Márialigeti, Károly and Somogyi, Boglárka (2015) Ismeretlen fototróf mikroorganizmusok hazai vizekben - az infravörös mikroszkópi technika jelentősége a limnológiában = Phototrops in near-infraded - first data on the occurence of aerobic anoxygenic bacteria in Hungarian shallow lakes. HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY, 95 (5-6). pp. 91-95. ISSN 0018-1323 Dózsa-Farkas, Klára and Felföldi, Tamás and Hong, Yong (2015) New enchytraeid species (Enchytraeidae, Oligochaeta) from Korea. ZOOTAXA, 4006. pp. 171-197. ISSN 1175-5326 Kalwasińska, A. and Felföldi, Tamás and Walczak, M. and Kosobucki, P. (2015) Physiology and Molecular Phylogeny of Bacteria Isolated from Alkaline Distillery Lime. Polish Journal of Microbiology, 64 (4). pp. 369-377. ISSN 1733-1331 Selvarajan, Ramganesh and Felföldi, Tamás and Tauber, Tamás and Sanniyasi, Elumalai and Sibanda, Timothy and Tekere, Memory (2015) Screening and evaluation of some green algal strains (Chlorophyceae) isolated from freshwater and soda lakes for biofuel production. Energies, 8. pp. 7502-7521. ISSN 1996-1073 Dózsa-Farkas, Klára and Felföldi, Tamás (2015) Unexpected occurrence of Hemifridericia bivesiculata Christensen & Dózsa-Farkas, 2006 in Hungary, a species presumed to be endemic to Devon Island, Canada, and its comparative analysis with H. parva Nielsen & Christensen, 1959 (Enchytraeidae, Oligochaeta). ZOOTAXA, 3914. pp. 185-194. ISSN 1175-5326 Felföldi, Tamás and Vengring, Anita and Márialigeti, Károly and András, Judit and Schumann, Peter and M. Tóth, Erika (2014) Eoetvoesia caeni gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from an activated sludge system treating coke plant effluent. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 64. pp. 738-744. ISSN 1466-5026 Felföldi, Tamás and Vengring, Anita and Kéki, Zsuzsa and Márialigeti, Károly and Schumann, Peter and M. Tóth, Erika (2014) Hephaestia caeni gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the family Sphingomonadaceae isolated from activated sludge. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 64. pp. 1920-1925. ISSN 1466-5026 Dózsa-Farkas, Klára and Boros, Gergely and Felföldi, Tamás and Cech, Gábor (2014) Molekuláris módszerek szerepe morfológiailag közelálló Enchytraeida (Enchytraeidae, Annelida) fajok taxonómiai problémáinak megoldásában. MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY, 4. pp. 388-393. ISSN 0025-0325 Mentes, Anikó and Keresztes, Zsolt Gyula and Hegyi, Anna and Márialigeti, Károly and Máthé, István and Somogyi, Boglárka and Vörös, Lajos and Felföldi, Tamás (2014) Tengeri pikocianobaktériumok Erdély sós tavaiban. HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY, 94. pp. 19-21. ISSN 0018-1323 Mentes, Anikó and Keresztes, Zsolt Gyula and Hegyi, Anna and Márialigeti, Károly and Máthé, István and Somogyi, Boglárka and Vörös, Lajos and Felföldi, Tamás (2014) Tengeri pikocianobaktériumok Erdély sós tavaiban. HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY, 94. pp. 19-21. ISSN 0018-1323 Felföldi, Tamás and Jurecska, Laura and Vajna, Balázs and Barkács, Katalin and Makk, Judit and Cebe, Gábor and Szabó, Attila and Záray, Gyula and Márialigeti, Károly (2014) Texture and type of polymer fiber carrier determine bacterial colonization and biofilm properties in wastewater treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 264. pp. 824-834. ISSN 1385-8947 Pálffy, Károly and Felföldi, Tamás and Mentes, Anikó and Horváth, Hajnalka and Márialigeti, Károly and Boros, Emil and Vörös, Lajos and Somogyi, Boglárka (2014) Unique picoeukaryotic algal community under multiple environmental stress conditions in a shallow, alkaline pan. Extremophiles, 18. pp. 111-119. ISSN 1431-0651 Máthé, István and Kériné Borsodi, Andrea and M. Tóth, Erika and Felföldi, Tamás and Jurecska, Laura and Krett, Gergely and Kelemen, Zsolt and Elekes, Erzsébet and Barkács, Katalin and Márialigeti, Károly (2014) Vertical physico-chemical gradients with distinct microbial communities in the hypersaline and heliothermal Lake Ursu (Sovata, Romania). Extremophiles (18). pp. 501-514. ISSN 1431-0651 Vasas, Gábor and Farkas, Oszkár and Borics, Gábor and Felföldi, Tamás and Sramkó, Gábor and Batta, Gyula and Bácsi, István and Gonda, Sándor (2013) Appearance of Planktothrix rubescens Bloom with [D-Asp3, Mdha7]MC–RR in Gravel Pit Pond of a Shallow Lake-Dominated Area. Toxins, 5. pp. 2434-2455. ISSN 2072-6651 Vasas, Gábor and Farkas, Oszkár and Borics, Gábor and Felföldi, Tamás and Sramkó, Gábor and Batta, Gyula and Bácsi, István and Gonda, Sándor (2013) Appearance of Planktothrix rubescens Bloom with [D-Asp3, Mdha7]MC–RR in Gravel Pit Pond of a Shallow Lake-Dominated Area. Toxins, 5 (12). pp. 2434-2455. ISSN 2072-6651 Somogyi, Boglárka and Felföldi, Tamás and Solymosi, Katalin and Flieger, Kerstin and Márialigeti, Károly and Böddi, Béla and Vörös, Lajos (2013) One step closer to eliminating the nomenclatural problems of minute coccoid green algae: Pseudochloris wilhelmii, gen. et sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY, 48 (4). pp. 427-436. ISSN 0967-0262 Keresztes, Zsolt Gyula and Felföldi, Tamás and Somogyi, Boglárka and Székely, Gyöngyi and Bartha, Csaba and Márialigeti, Károly and Vörös, Lajos (2013) A fitoplankton molekuláris diverzitása az Erdélyi-medence sós tavaiban. HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY, 93 (5-6). pp. 112-113. ISSN 0018-1323 BookVajna, Balázs and Tóth, Erika and Felföldi, Tamás (2016) Methods in Environmental Microbiology and Bacterial Taxonomy. Eötvös Loránd University. Kériné Borsodi, Andrea and Felföldi, Tamás and Jäger, Katalin and Makk, Judit and Márialigeti, Károly and Romsics, Csaba and Tóth, Erika and Bánfi, Renáta and Pohner, Zsuzsanna and Vajna, Balázs (2013) Bevezetés a prokarióták világába. Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem. M. Tóth, Erika and Kériné Borsodi, Andrea and Felföldi, Tamás and Vajna, Balázs and Sipos, Rita and Márialigeti, Károly (2013) Practical Microbiology : based on the Hungarian practical notes entitled "Mikrobiológiai Laboratóriumi Gyakorlatok". Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest. |